Disclaimer: I don’t own RENT.
This story will contain a female OC. She will be a main character. She also will not be “involved” with either Mark or Roger. Ever. She’s there to bring them together and be cute. Seriously, we promise. She won’t boink the boys.
I Found a Reason
Chapter Six - Monday Morningness and Mixtapes
Mark’s POV
Chapter Six )
Comments 20
Okay, this may or may not go over your head, but I loved Roger being all "it's just pretty theft" because it reminded me of Firefly, which is possibly the greatest show in the history of time.
i wish i had friends like Mark and Roger in the weight room. my friends actually wanted to lift weight. i'm like...what is wrong with you?? and this: “Is that like, the Roger Davis girlfriend discount? Half the effort if I mention you upfront?” I grin at him. was one of my favorite lines. hillarious.
Aww yay for Mark randomly deciding to go bowling. And Roger being so bad at it! I'm better at bowling than Roger and that's saying a lot. i've been known on occasion to bowl a 13... i just found that so amusing. And Mark thinking the bowling shoes were cool i'm picturing Mark walking down the street in the bowling shoes and falling on his ass. Those things are slippery, man.
“What’s up with Molly?” I ask him, remembering her reaction to me that I found ( ... )
Aww, Harry/Ginny. I used to think her little crush was cute, until they actually got together. It seemed so sudden and forced. But I shall rant about that another time.
I've never read Perks of Being a Wallflower, but some of my friends swear by it. They keep telling me it's Catcher in the Rye for the new generation... which makes me even less likely to read it, since I can't stand Catcher in the Rye. One of my friends made me a mix tape with 'Asleep' on it when I was a freshman, which introduced me to The Smiths. Maybe they stole it from the book, haha.
Thanks as always. ♥
anyway, another great chapter. I love it how Roger can't bowl...but can play ski ball, hehe. And the mix tape?! that may quell the little 'Must have Mark/Roger NOW' people!
TA! ^_^
Just like Roger, I can't bowl, but I totally kick ass at skee ball. I go bowling for the shoes.
Thanks for reading. <3
Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it! ♥
Mix tapes are amazing. I personally absolutely suck at making them, but I'll still make a pathetic attempt once in awhile for a buddy. (blank_stares, on the hand, makes amazing mix CDs.) ^_^
I'm on an updating kick, what can I say? The further we get in this story the more fun I have. I seriously can't wait to write all the M/R things we have planned.
Again, thanks so much, Dale. You know we love you. ♥♥
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