January 2010 Newsletter
Morphicon 7: "State Fair"
May 13-16th 2010
Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington in Columbus, Ohio
Guests of Honor: World Tree creators, Bumblebee and Floki
Guests of Honor
This year we have two new wonderful guests of honor. Together they are a husband and wife team that, among other artistic projects, created their very own furry role playing game.
Victoria Borah Bloom (also beetiger, Bumblebee) is co-author and art director of World Tree RPG with her husband, Bard Bloom. She is also the owner of Little Pagans, a children's clothing store with designs developed in collaboration with several well known furry artists.
Bard Bloom (also known as Floki) is a computer science researcher at IBM, and a part-time writer. He is probably most famous in the furry community for co-creating the World Tree RPG with Victoria Borah Bloom. He has played on FurryMUCK since 1992, and keeps a journal in the name and character of Sythyry, a Zi Ri from World Tree. He also wrote A Marriage of Insects, a novel set in the same world.
Hotel Info - NEW $84 ROOM RATE!!!
Morphicon will be hosted at the conveniently located Columbus-Worthington Holiday Inn 7007 N. High St., Columbus, OH 43085. We’ve renegotiated our contract with the hotel this year and brought the price down a substantial amount, so if you didn’t get a room last year, take another look at the more affordable rates. Booking a room under the Morphicon rate is a great way to support the convention!
T-Shirt Contest - Deadline February 21st, 2010
It’s that time of year again! That’s right, for all you aspiring artists out there; it’s time for the annual Morphicon t-shirt contest. The winner of our t-shirt contest will have their artwork prominently featured on the Morphicon 2010 t-shirt. The winner will also receive a full-fledged Patron membership to Morphicon 2010! As if that wasn’t enough, the runner up will have their artwork featured on the Morphicon program guide, and will receive a free sponsorship.
To compete, all you have to do is submit a high-resolution line-art image to publications_AT_Morphicon.org. The deadline for submission is February 21st, 2010, so don't delay. Submissions should be related to the theme, “State Fair". You may interpret the theme how ever you wish, but please limit submissions to all-audiences appropriate content. Even if you don't win, we'll put your submission into our conbook, so either way you'll get to see your work in print.
We're also interested in seeing original prose, poetry, and other artwork around the “State Fair" theme for our conbook. If your work doesn't fit the t-shirt contest then you can submit it directly to publications staff for possible inclusion in the conbook.
Charity - raffle/auction donations needed!
This year we’re pleased to continue to serve the Ferrets Unlimited Rescue Services. They are based out of Cleveland, Ohio and have been operating since 1993 rescuing ferrets and other animals. They will have a table at Morphicon showcasing pictures of animals under the shelter’s care, and up for adoption.
Every year we have a silent charity auction and a charity raffle at the convention, if you’d like to donate an item to be auctioned/raffled off please send an e-mail to operations_AT_Morphicon.org. We will also be accepting items during the convention.
Preregistration - early registration deadline March 1st
Early registration is now available at
http://www.morphicon.org/registration.html The $10 early bird registration discount is available online for all registration levels. Remember, Hypertrophe level registrations are only available through early registration!
If you’re interested in volunteering for the convention, we can definitely use your help! Gophers make the convention possible, and discounts are offered on next year’s registration for those that put in the time. If you’d like to donate your time, get in contact with our gopher wrangler at the following e-mail address gophers_AT_Morphicon.org
To get the latest updates, look for ride/room shares, and join in discussions about Morphicon, please join one of our information outlets
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http://www.morphicon.org/community.htmlTwitter -
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http://community.livejournal.com/ohiomorphicon/RSS Feed -
http://www.morphicon.org/feed.xml Happy Holidays!
-- Jewel, and the rest of Morphicon Staff -