Am I really gonna show a music video?

Oct 03, 2010 02:32

Here I am again to bore you ^^;

Well, at least it's a different post... that's making me scared. It's about music so if you're interested, everything's behind the cut.

I've wrote and wrote of how much I want to be a musician and I've never showed anything online ^^; what I'm about to show isn't the top of my abilities so I'm not expecting it to be a grand breakthrough, it was something done out fun that's why I'm posting it ^^
It's an experience I did with my recent acquisition, an Akai Headrush pedal that records and loops the recordings, and then we add and add whatever you want and voilá, you can get a cool sound ^^ the harmonica playing is very lousy because I'm no harmonica player xD that's what made all this a fun experience ^^ the rest are shakers and beating with my hand in the mic. There are some fail moments during the video because I was tiiiired to play the whole thing all over again xD and sometimes the pedal plays tricks on me so I apologize in advance ^^
And by the way, if someone recognizes this song please tell me what it is xD I know it's something from my childhood but I don't know what ^^; Here goes nothing!

image You can watch this video on

Music Scrap from Gakushi on Vimeo.

Hello! First video on this account to show a simple sketch I did through an Akai Headrush pedal. I'm a complete amateur when it comes to an harmonica so bear with me ^^; well the reality is that I'm a complete amateur when it comes to anything related to music -.- I guess I refuse to give up ^^; (I apologize in advance for that slight break in the middle, sometimes the pedal does that and I didn't want to record it all over again)

And can someone please tell me where this sound is from? I remember it from my childhood but I have no clue what it is. ^^;

And that's it... ridiculous, right? xD Anyway, leave me any feedback you want ^^ or don't... do as you like ^^;

experiment, life, music

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