Name: Caryn
Age: 18.. I'll be 19 in about a month :)
Birthday: August 18
Status: Single. I just recently got out of an almost 4 year relationship.
In school? Yep, Im studying to become a nurse and then a midwife
How long have you been a member: Umm awhile... over a year I'd say
Any pets? a cat, a dog, 5 rats, a fish, and when I get back from France I'll be aquiring(sp?) 2 turtles from my bosses
Interests/Hobbies: Driving, reading, scrapbooking, photography, internet, kids, etc... most of my time truthfully is spent at work and in class though lol
Something interesting/quirky about you: I've just spent the last 2 months in France. We'll be going home on Monday! I came with the people I work for (Im a nanny) and have had a blast but am more than ready to go home. We came with one other family (no husbands, just moms!) that has 4 kids so there were 9 kids running around (8 boys and 1 girl) and 3 adults. It was CRAZY haha.
Dream career: Midwife
Favourite books: Oh geeze, I honestly couldnt tell you. I read a lot.. or at least I did before I got to dang busy to do so, but I love James Patterson, Jennifer Weiner, and Nicholas Sparks among lots of others.
Favourite movies: Fast and the Furious is of course my ultimate favorite movie. I havent gone to the movies in like 3 months.. let alone watched any except kid ones haha so I cant really think of anymore.
Favourite bands: Once again, that could turn into a long list. I listen to almost anything and I was raised on country so I've got quite the contrast of musical favorites.
Favourite way to spend a day off: Relaxing, running errands (No joke.. haha I love it cause I get time alone and I get to drive and listen to my music up loud, etc), sleeping, going online, etc.
Anything interesting happen in your life since the hiatus? Um just the France thing. And the issue with my ex. Long story short.. he was trusted to housesit my bosses house while my boss was out here (we needed him to take a kid home) a week or 2 ago and he ended up trashing their house and a lot of crap went down. Luckily they see me as family and I didnt lose my job or get held responsible for it in any way. We were engaged and trying to have a baby and everything just changed drastically when I left for France so I dunno haha. Its for the better in the end :)
A picture or two:
Top Row: Michele (boss) and I
Middle: Brayan, Cabhan, Brecon, MacKenzie, Sean (Boss.. aka the big brother I never wanted lol)
Bottom: Keegan
A passed out Cabhan and I up in the Eiffel Tower
On the boat tour
Open to new LJ friends? Why of course! :) I love new friends so add away!!