capeandcowl Application Pg. 2 of 3

Aug 17, 2009 08:54


Cole is a complicated man, and many elements of his personality conflict at times. He likes to play the role of the tough, brooding lone-wolf, yet no team member is more loyal and willing to risk everything to save the others than he is. Cole is the man to go to when you really need someone to listen. He may act like he doesn't want to be bothered with it, and the advice he gives you may be brutally honest and lacking any semblance of tact, but what he offers is from the heart.

On the other hand, if you're not one of those teammates or people that Cole allies himself with and feels loyalty to, his "Grifter" handle couldn't be more appropriate. He will lie, cheat, steal, swindle, and con his way into taking what he wants from you, and if that fails, will happily fill you full of hot lead and not think twice about it if that's what it takes to get the job at hand done. He will not abide traitors. For an unscrupulous mercenary, though, he has very strong convictions. Once, upon finding out the WildCATS were going to work with a villain who had fought them and personally tortured Cole in the past, Cole up and left the team for good. Even though they were working together for the greater good, Cole couldn't get around the fact that he felt he was being betrayed.

Cole is well known for being a wise-cracking smartass of the highest caliber, happily spouting off one-liners that would give James Bond an inferiority complex, and peppering his enemies with trash-talking and insults. If Wildstorm has an equivalent of Marvel's Deadpool, Grifter is it. Although he is nowhere near as weird, obsessed with chimichangas, or out and out zany as the infamous Merc With A Mouth.

His biggest fear is losing those he is close to, especially Zealot. When he thought she had died after the mission to Ireland, Cole sank into a depression so deep he nearly didn't crawl back out of it. It was a terrible cycle of cheap booze, cheaper women, violence, and self-loathing, all of which did nothing to fill the void in his soul. Cole knows the value of friends, as he's lost so many, and of life, which he's taken so many. He will do anything to protect his friends.

Cole also has a deep-seated fear of losing control over his powers, which are contained only because of the mental training and Coda techniques taught to him by Zealot. His psionic abilities have been best described as a "psionic sledgehammer", and not only are they lethal to those he targets them against, they are lethal to himself as well. Slowly, like a poison, these powers were driving him to the brink of madness. He'd rather not be in that position again, so any attempts at digging around in his mind will be met with fear and hostility.

He has no real dreams for the future, as he nevers plans on having one. Cole is a man who lives for the moment. He's content to lead his life of adventure as a mercenary/part-time superhero, knowing that a stray bullet or pissed-off SPB could take everything away in a New York minute. He hides those thoughts and fears behind his gallows-humor, knowing that you've got to get up pretty early in the morning to get the drop on him.

In combat, Cole will kill without hesitation. He has no moral objections to taking a life if the situation warrants it, or he's defending himself or others. However, he shies away from any outright assassination jobs. He's done far too many of those in the past, and those old ghosts still haunt him.

ALTER EGO: Cole doesn't really have an alter-ego, like the majority of the Wildstorm Universe. Cole is Grifter, Grifter is Cole. They are one and the same. He primarily operates as a freelance mercenary when not off saving the world (though his jobs often lead to that), or as a "trouble-shooter" for the HALO Coporation, in every sense of the word.
POWER: Reduced aging, limited healing factor, latent psionic abilities, The latter includes telepathy, manifesting in the form of a "life sense" with which Cole can detect nearby lifeforms, as well as extremely violent telekinesis. All of these are from the gene therapy done to Cole in Team 7 as part of the Gen 12 super-soldier project.

Although not a "power", his marksmanship skill is legendary, and would easily rank as superhuman in most circles.


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