Drabble originally posted on
Tumblr. Reposting on DW/LW for easy locationing purposes.
He has loved Anne in all her guises. PG. Anne Bonny & Calico Jack Rackham
Naked as We Came
In their quarters, his and Anne’s, untroubled by the captain’s lecherous looks or the gossip of pirates who would question his nerve, skulking behind a woman, it is Anne that leads, Jack the tiller that swerves to follow.
He has loved Anne in all her guises. The merchant’s daughter he charmed. The sailor’s wife he stole. The killer of men he took under his coat, with the wretch James Bonny’s blood still wet across her flint-eyed face, mottled roses on cream calico.
Now, she bids, lips curled in a snarl, hair wild, freed from its usual battered confines. Come now. Exposed at her throat, a string of fat grey pearls from the last capture, hurled in her direction by Vane with a mocking laugh.
Jack would have her wear them openly.
Marry me, he begs, not for the first time.
When you’re captain, she answers, not for the last.
19 January 2014
This entry was originally posted at
http://the-grynne.dreamwidth.org/982964.html and has