And so instead of trying to fix it all, I'll procrastinate on LJ thanks to a meme stolen from
You have to use 3 words to answer each question.
No more. No less.
1. Where is your cell phone?: On my right
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?: Too far away
3. Your hair?: Really quite annoying
4. Where is your father?: In his car
6. Your favorite thing to do?: Watching my DVDs
7. Your dream last night?: Didn't exist. Sorry.
8. Your favorite drink? Different each day
9. Your dream car?: Aston Martin, obviously
10. The room you're in?: Open Plan Office
12. Your fears?: Will remain private
14. Who did you hang out with last night? No one, really
15. What you're not good at?: Making big changes
16. Muffins?: Need chocolate chips
17. One of your wish list items?: Complete Transformers boxset
(not sure if I understood this one, but that's on my "wishlist"!)
18. Where did you grow up?: Wokingham, Berkshire mostly
19. The last thing you did before this survey: Tried to work
20. What are you wearing? Various generic clothes
23. Your computer:? Does not exist
24. Your life?: Pretty good really
25. Your mood? On the up
26. Missing?: My best friend
27. What are you thinking about right now?: Same as always
28. Your car? Keeps me happy
29. Your work?: Keeps me busy
30. Your summer? Pretty much over
31. Your relationship status? Our relationship rules
32. Your favorite color(s): A dark blue
33. When is the last time you laughed?: Just last night
34. Last time you cried?: Fifteenth July 2007