Seem like I've not posted in ages. I'd update on life, but it's somehow more fun to write about random junk. So!
1) Workplace philosophy can be fun. For example, is it more important to *be* right, or to *sound* right? I seem to spend an awful lot of time at the moment giving advice on things that I'm really not sure about. I sound all confident, and experienced, whilst inside I'm wondering if that's not all a complete load of bollocks! But people are happier when they receive a definitive answer - saying "I'm not sure, but..." or "I could be wrong, but..." makes peoples faces go all crinkly. And so far noone has come back to me and told me I was completely wrong. So far...
2) Say "no" to your manager, and watch them try to figure out what just happened. Managers can't cope with their employees refusing to do something they're told to - at least the ones here aren't. It's a dangerous game, admittedly, and perhaps therein lies the fun. A new extreme sport of "Work Refusal"... I'm playing the "I'm seriously overloaded with other work" card, but I'm sure the imaginative people out there will be able to come up with plenty of alternatives.
3) Ponder the dangers of acronyms. Some of the software I've been looking at includes lines with the acronym "PNS" in it. I've no idea what it actually stands for, but in my head P-N-S sounds like penis, so I'm thinking to myself that I must remember to check the "penis pipe settings" and the "penis pep connection". I just hope noone asks me about the analysis I'm doing on a day when I'm not completely switched on!
4) Surf BBC news website for ridiculously pointless news stories, such as:
Click! Does anyone else think that being a rhubarb picker actually sounds kinda fun?! (and also that the article title sounds kinda dirty...)