Food poisoning sucks ass. Note to self, don't get four day old bacon jus' cause it still smells alright. Second that note! never eat four day old bacon cause it smells cold. Feed it to Heine instead, let him get the shits.
Pretty lazy day s'far. Met a handful of Heine's, seriously, why so many of him out there. Anyway's, her's the photos I got developed from the last months films.
Yea, I been spendin' a lot of time with Nill lately, she jus' alway's seems to find me, y'know. I guess its alright, bein' around the kid an everythin'.
I'm keepin' this one too. Nice is ... a really cool girl. No I'm not goin' sappy or shit, just, I wouldn't mind keepin' this photo for myself s'all.