No, in truth, I was speaking of C.R. That man is the most abominable person I have ever met. I will guarantee that when he dies, he will be rotting in hell.
Wal, I'll be durn tootin' blastin' Mammyfucker I'll lop yer goddadburn throat out an' feed it t'th' hogs, does yo' hear me? I'll rape yer fust unborn an' raised chile an' smack yo' wif mah two by four until yo' fall onto th' flore lifeless an' yer penis is ripped off fum yer junital area! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!!
C.R., yo' stoopid ass, yo' need t'calm down, as enny fool kin plainly see. Take some valium whut ah bought wif mah small li'l paycheck fum th' pharmacy.
Wal, shit fire! This hyar one time ah was in a patootie sack race wif Jesus an' ah was almost t'th' finish line an' dadburned eff'n he didn't try t'make me fall down by makin' it rain frogs! Ah doesn't knows whut his problem is. Ah imagine he's jest a so'e loser, but one kin't nary tell, ah reckon.
It is obvious by your statement that you did not read what Paw had to say. He stated that he was racing Jesus.
In our simple lives, there are always times when we must "race Jesus". We are, by God, wanted to be just like Him and it is very trying to anyone to go through this, but as it says in the Bible, it is a test. A test of courage and bravery.
Heya there, Big Satan. Tell me about it . . . humans are so despicable sometimes, I just feel like killing them . . . like running over them and feeling their brains splatter around in my under-carriage.
Comments 16
I want to see if you can beat God in the sack
In our simple lives, there are always times when we must "race Jesus". We are, by God, wanted to be just like Him and it is very trying to anyone to go through this, but as it says in the Bible, it is a test. A test of courage and bravery.
. . . Oh wait . . I do that.
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