i did! i tried to go up 18th, but missed it, and just went up market, then started taking right turns until i was on top of twin peaks. it was incredible. on one of those 70degree days. man- i could have stayed up there forever.
i have two television events/offers for you. do you a) want to watch the olympics at my house? i only have a women's hockey schedule, but the rest of it (for NBC) is online. and b) i think siobhan is having an academy awards party at our house. something about getting dressed up. but don't worry- i don't get dressed up for parties. i don't know when the academy awards are- but, invite anne, too, if you want.
it was good to see you the other night. maybe we can check out Moby Dick's on a night when we're.....uuhh..... prepared? or at least when it's not so freakin' packed.
ok- the olympics START this friday. the thing is- we only get basic nbc- meaning, via the bunny ears atop our tv. so we get bad coverage. i was thinking of going to a bar- but really i just want to watch women's hockey and snowboarding. i looked at the nbc11 listing of events, and it's sort of lame. 2/13 (monday), at 8pm should be women's halfpipe- that sounds fun. or- we could find a good sports bar.....
i have no idea when the acadamies are. i just was told that there would be a party at our apartment, with siobhan's nice friends, and Taboo (the best game ever). but- i'll find out and let you know. also- i have one more week of work, and have sent out a bunch of resume/applications- but no real bites as of yet. i'm applying to Good Vibes- they are hiring- so put in a prayer for me..... in other words- i've got free time after this week. maybe during the weekend we could have an outdoor day of fun?
miss you, assface. awesome pictures. i think i'm over the death illness and i will try to give you a ring either this afternoon or after work tonight (should be around dinnertime for you).
hey. once again- i forgot to make this 'friends only'- it was really a project for just you, to update you, finally, as promised, oh, 6 months ago, on my whereabooots. but you know me- i can't work this damned livejournal- except i did figure out how to post pictures. i was proud about that. hey i'm sick too! i've had two sick days. it's not the usual strepp/fever/death plague, but some kiind of throat infection. gross, is what it is. but i can't really talk so well (what is new.....). except also - it's been like 70+ degrees for the past few days, which makes sleeping in and watching movies difficult. anyway- i hope you were tempted by my digital-liquid, and when you ever end up flying your scrawny butt out here to visit, i will take you to all these nice places. called twin peaks, and my apartment.
olympics start tomorrow! and we actually get it on our busted-ass, crooked tv. i have the women's hockey schedule as a pop-up stickies file on my computer. b/c i'm THAT cool.
ella... that's NOT what i meant, you know that.... i told ren before i left that i would send him pictures neurotically so he knew i was alive. and i never did. b/c i don't have a digital camera, then i got my hands on one. and sent some pictures. AW SHoot i dug myself in a hole......anyway- you KNOW i hardly ever read. i think that book is siobhan's. but i can send it back to you if you'd like.
hey- have you seen "Party Girl"? with freakin' what's her name parker posy? it's about hot librarians. i thought of you.....
Comments 11
that's all..
i have two television events/offers for you. do you
a) want to watch the olympics at my house? i only have a women's hockey schedule, but the rest of it (for NBC) is online.
and b) i think siobhan is having an academy awards party at our house. something about getting dressed up. but don't worry- i don't get dressed up for parties. i don't know when the academy awards are- but, invite anne, too, if you want.
it was good to see you the other night. maybe we can check out Moby Dick's on a night when we're.....uuhh..... prepared? or at least when it's not so freakin' packed.
when are the olympics on? i would love to watch!
and the academies..when are they again? god, i'm so out of touch.
also, let's go to twin peaks. i love it there. and what is this fantastic weather?!?
we should go out to the beach.
i have no idea when the acadamies are. i just was told that there would be a party at our apartment, with siobhan's nice friends, and Taboo (the best game ever). but- i'll find out and let you know. also- i have one more week of work, and have sent out a bunch of resume/applications- but no real bites as of yet. i'm applying to Good Vibes- they are hiring- so put in a prayer for me..... in other words- i've got free time after this week. maybe during the weekend we could have an outdoor day of fun?
olympics start tomorrow! and we actually get it on our busted-ass, crooked tv. i have the women's hockey schedule as a pop-up stickies file on my computer. b/c i'm THAT cool.
miss you. call me.
...and so i guess YOU'RE the one who stole my copy of rent girl
hey- have you seen "Party Girl"? with freakin' what's her name parker posy? it's about hot librarians. i thought of you.....
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