Well, DBCC Schedule rather. I have school every weekday at Mainland till around 9 or 10 depending on what day it is... I'll get that straightened out like soon
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Yesterday was amazing, I went Ice skating with Amanda, Kasey, and Ali. Some other people were there from Creek, but I didn't know them.. It's cool though. I really want to ice skate more often, it's something that actually makes me happy.
Okay, so I broke up with Alex today... Things were just... not like they used to be, that and he's going away to college in a couple of weeks, it wouldn't have turned out well in the end. He felt the same way, and we're going to stay friends. :)
So I had a job interview at Books a Million yesterday. I think it went well, I've got another one today... I really hope I get this job, I think that working at a bookstore would be so awesome. Plus, I get amazing discounts if I work there.
I'm going to go help paint my friend's bathroom now. I'll be back later. Call my cell fool.