I don’t even know where to begin. I posted last night, in an attempt to voice my opinion, and last time I checked, it was illegal in at least this country, the USA, to lynch someone for his or her opinion. I never once said I was grossed out by the pictures, and maybe it was partially due to jealousy, though I highly doubt it because I am proud of my body, and glad that I have friends who think so. I don’t have perfect breasts or washboard abs. (if I had breasts it would be mildly amusing, considering I am of the male species) Any ways, back to my original point.
In school today, I was able to get my e-mail through some clever surfing to evade bess the internet fiend of a watchdog. I checked it, and I was like “holy shit” when I say 25 messages from THN. I started reading, and I just became more and more upset. Though my skills are pretty good, they aren’t good enough to update (or post a comment) when the teacher is reading over your back, so I though to myself “I will set things straight when I get home”. Lo and behold, I come to find out that I was “unmembered” (Which by the way isn’t a word, similar to “disgustment” but we wont get into that ok?). I thought unmembered meant that I was no longer a member of the community. I came home, read the comments, and also read some recent entries. I attempted to comment on
”abbacat”’s entry, saying that was my exact sentiments. I hope this doesn’t get them banned, but they voiced their opinion and didn’t get banned? Am I missing something?
While at school I was talking to Emily, and she was quite amused (as was I at that point) that I had been kicked out of the very community I started with her. Yeah, that’s right, EMILY and I started the community. I also wanted to point out that, most of the comments I received to my entry were to the tone of “it was all in fun” or “don’t think on it to much” or “::shrug:: let it go” however, not once did I see anyone letting my opinion roll of their shoulders. In fact, it more or less got driven into the ground with the force of a 2-ton atomic bomb.
Did you feel guilty for your decisions to comment so harshly to my entry? Is that why I was banned? So I couldn’t defend my decision to post my comment? (not that it really needs defending, but I didn’t want to leave on the note that everything thinks I’m a stuck up bitch)
I am not asking to be received back into the community (though if you feel guilty for the reasons stated above, I’d be more than happy to continue my co-created ness of the community). I know that I have no ownership rights, because I gave them to Emily, but that’s ok. I am however asking that if you truly intend on removing me from the child I have created, that you at least do it thoroughly. I noted at least 3 places where my name is listed as a member of the community, and I think that if you truly don’t want me here, that they should be removed.
Two-dimes for ye all,
thanks for your time.