Just got cortisone shot in wrist for DeQuervain's. Hope it works! Won't know for a while ... Hurray for meeting my deductible so early on! (That's what happens when you get a therapist--so easy to meet the good old deductible.)
Off to watch 1900 House and snuggle. Gotta love vacations at home. Mmmm.
I just (well OK, a bunch of minutes ago) finished watching Dominoes Championship or something like that on ESPN. I could do that! Really. Apparently it's a sport.
Um, I think my little girl is thisready to start crawling. No time for a decent blog entry because accccckkkkk! I haven't babyproofed! I'm really good at talking about it, though
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Nothing like being up almost half the night with my teething babe. We were going to go to the zoo with the moms group, but I'm too zonked
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I'm going to call the office/guest room the raspberry room because Mia's doing raspberries all over the place. Nope, no fruits for you yet! Ah, baby spittle.