It's sweltering hot and I've had the most insane week. I'm working a ridiculous amount of hours. Very ridiculous. I don't even have 8 hours between shifts. I suppose I should be happy about all the money-making that's going on but I'm just tired (and very cranky). No doubt at some point this week I'm going to lose it and some princess-customer is
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Comments 27
I want the next chapter soooooooooooo bad... Sadly however, even though this is not RotD I somehow fell straight back into beta-ing mode (wooooooops) -_-;;
Someone needs to grovel. Namely starting with a K and ending with a G. Ahem. (Actually, another starting with an I and ending with an A needs to grovel to, but I'll save that for the review I WILL POST! I swear!)
And poor Wesa and Kully. Those are the only two I feel sorry for. Both are adorable! I want to huggle them so badly.
Oh my goodledoods... Shanza plushie... Shumba plushie... (So... CUTE)
Anyway (shudderswithcutenessattack) I can't wait for the next one (of both stories actually - well, RoTD of course, but this is growing on me)
And I will have fanart for you! Once my scanner works... If all fails, kick it! And it won't be fancy smancy because I don't have photoshop or anything like that - I have a pencil and eraser. But it'll be cute.
Don't wish there was a video game where the objective was to kill anal people, assholes, and stupid people? That would be the best game ever.
I busted a gut laughing when I read that. I know it wasn't meant to be that kind of frustration but I have a dirty mind...
I agree with nekobandit... I wanted someone to be thrown to a table and kissed senseless followed by lots and lots of smut.
It makes me feel bad but the curse made me giggle. Somehow it just seems so... Newt.
And like I said, I have a sketchbook now so fanarts are coming. I want to draw a big one of Newt in his Zilant form but I don't think it will fit to my satisfaction in my regular size sketchbook so I would have to draw him in one of the big ones and then I couldn't scan it in and I wouldn't be able to send it to you.... *sighs*
SKETCHBOOK+ARTS= LOVE. Hahahahah. No, really. But yes, I totally understand your scanning problems. Apparently my scanner is able to scan things in... sections, but I tried it once and um, it was really hard to align the pieces afterwards. *ramble* So yes, the suckage. Oh. I suppose a camera would work? I think that's what I ended up doing. If you have a digital camera-- and then take a picture? But I wonder if that would kill the quality...
*laugh* Okay, sorry, rambling away.
Yours truly: "Yes, that would be why."
...Is it wrong that, while I feel sorry for you, I find that utterly hilarious? *huggles Inky* I'm sorry you have to deal with ingrate customers. (although if you were open, I suppose you can't really blame them...)
I feel like Kully and Wesa are both going to end in pairings we're not really expecting. Like, together. Or Sage comes in and someone gets left out. Or something.
The man never ate. <--Hee, this line amuses me ridiculously.
*coughchokesputter* OMGTWINS. THEY'RE TWINS WHAT. BUT THIS PALES IN COMPARISON TO WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. Although I was wondering about how Sage got on the ship. I was right XD
Newt leaves? Newt leaves? King! Make him come back! You aren't supposed to have fights this bad! Now you hurt Newt's feelings (and you did, too, even though he was acting Little--I completely both understand and expected that curse) and he left! Neeeeewwwwt...T_T
Oh yes, and I thought you would appreciate Rusty/King = twins. ♥♥♥ As for the pairings, in my usual style, I'm sure everyone will be matched. Whatiswrongwithmewhycan'tImakepeoplesingle,orbetteryet,makesomestraight? Ahhhh.
Thank you thank you for reading my precious. I hope you've been most excellent this past week. xoxox ♥
poor Newt....they are so cute and jealous what?
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