Not a bad day

Jun 02, 2005 15:49

Well, today was...uneventful. I spent half of first period, all of second, and lunch playing Magic. I had nothing better to do. Fourth I played President with Pat and his friend James, and in Philosophy I sat in class for a bit, then went outside and sat with a few friends. It's a beautiful day outside, kinda hot though. We were supposed to be ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

demonweb June 2 2005, 20:14:38 UTC
*hides stick* >_____>

isnt 4.0 GPA the highest? o.O;;


the_jedi_pirate June 2 2005, 20:18:20 UTC
Not on a weighted system. Honors go up to a scale of 5, so the highest on a weighted GPA is 5.0 GPA. Least that's how I remember it.


demonweb June 2 2005, 20:18:47 UTC


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