- The elite assassins who are skilled at stealth and silence, much about the Ninja's culture is unknown. Where they live and the things they are taught there is a complete mystery to the average Eiflan. Many of them are Nyn and their superior reflexes only add to their heir of mystery. To hire a Ninja assassin is an extremely difficult task to accomplish, because you must find someone who knows how to contact them, therefore Ninja are hired almost exclusively by the very wealthy or very powerful. They are skilled in a wide array of weapons including throwing stars, poisoned needles, and a type of short sword which is unique to them, the Ninja-to. The most skilled Ninja aren't even known to the public, such is the level of their skill.
(Knowledge not known to the general public of Eifel: Nyn Ninjas (or Nyn-Ja's, as they call themselves) Do not wear masks and rarely wear hoods to hide their faces. The reasons for this are many. A Nyn needs all of it's senses to be unobstructed. It needs it's wiskers to help it navigate in the dark, it's eyes to see, and it's nose and mouth to make use of it's increadible sense of smell and taste. It needs it's ears to pick up all the noises coming from different direction. And aside from the physical reasons, the Nyn-ja hold the belief that if your target has lived long enough to tell others what you look like, then you have failed as a Nyn-ja and deserve to be put to the sword, if not by the law, then by your clanmates themselves.
Ninja begin training from an early age, they have a strict code of secrecy, so once inducted into the Ninja Clan, the only way out is death, either by failing a mission, or by being hunted down by the other members of the Ninja Clan. An Eiflan who attempts to leave their Clan will either die, or spend the rest of their lives looking over their shoulder and sleeping with one eye open.)