"I'm a master of low expectations." I love that. I'm going to take a trip to Canade one of these days just to see how it really is. Maybe Retirement possibilities.
yes, justice however...shattersunMay 23 2006, 20:44:02 UTC
canada is geographically located in an area which they need not fear attack (i.e. next to the only superpower left). I'm sure if canada was in an area like eastern europe, they would need probably some sort of military structure.
Re: yes, justice however...the_justiceMay 23 2006, 21:53:06 UTC
I would agree except on the one condition that the superpower you allude to was itself attacked,and has been before, and probably will be again. Just because you needn't fear an attack doesn't mean you shouldn't have a standing army. I was pointing out the fact that we rely too much on our utter domination of the warfare market, and our impracticality of basically telling the rest of the world to fuck off, that we'll attack whoever we deem needs to be attacked; but on that note I must bring up the fact that perhaps we've become the paranoid threat here, striking out at anything that seems unfriendly and different. Though that would be pointing out the obvious.
Comments 5
I love that.
I'm going to take a trip to Canade one of these days just to see how it really is. Maybe Retirement possibilities.
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