One more half day of high school ever. In about 5 months high school will just be a blur or memories. It's been quite the experience. I'm glad its finally over though. High school is ending on a good note. Things are good.
School is alright I guess. Theres like 2 classes where I actually talk. In jazz band we think of things to buy in mass quantities to feed anthony valmasoysaucejfdsalj. He said he wanted flour tortillas.
Summer's on its last legs here. On to Senior year. Summer was pretty good this year, much better than last year's. So far I have no idea what the future holds for me. All I can do now is wait and see. For everyone who has made my summer, thanks. I wouldnt want to spend it with anyone else.
Everyone stop driving. Start riding bikes, walking, roller skating/blading, slipping, sliding, sledding, rolling, running, hopping, or however you like to travel without the use of fossil fuels.