Here is the prompt I’m answering and a bit about where I’m going with it. Honor code! Don’t look if you’re part of the exchange since it might spoil the surprise! ( Read more... )
I can help if you are still looking for someone. I use either Google docs or you can just email it to me. My email is and my Google docs is I have about a 24 hour turn around for up to 5000 words and about a 48 hour turn around for up to 10,000 words. If you'd like references of people I beta for I can provide them.
Thank you so much for the kind offer! I'm still working away on the darn thing, but since it's due in the evening on the 5th, I'm hoping that I'll be done with it soon. :-S
I'll send it your way as soon as it's done, if you're still free to beta. I greatly appreciate it!
Comments 2
Thank you so much for the kind offer! I'm still working away on the darn thing, but since it's due in the evening on the 5th, I'm hoping that I'll be done with it soon. :-S
I'll send it your way as soon as it's done, if you're still free to beta. I greatly appreciate it!
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