Title: Ethereal
the-kouPairing: Riku x Sora
Warning: Angst, maybe suggestive things later, and boy on boy.
Note: I like this. ♥
Chapter: 1/??
“Wait, Kairi!” Sora shouted, running towards her at the beach. She giggled and waved, looking at him as he sprinted towards her, panting lightly. Sora waved and stood up straight, folding his arms behind his back. “Ah, I thought I was going to be late…” He pouted, looking around vigorously. Riku was nowhere in sight, which worried him, but there was no reason to waste time right now. On the other side of the island was festival for fall. To get in, they had to dress in furisode kimonos. Sora’s was black, covered in golden hearts, but not full hearts. Kairi was beautiful as always, her hair tied up, wearing the pink furisode with floral print, it melted Sora’s heart, but somehow he couldn’t force himself to like her. All this time he thought he did, but now, as he grew, she seemed to be nothing more than a friend, the closest friend he’d ever have. Unfortunately, Riku wasn’t seen for at least a week; he probably left again. He had a habit of doing that, and it hurt Sora.
“Hey, look! They’re starting the fireworks! Let’s hurry Sora!” Kairi cried cheerfully, pulling the brown haired male harshly towards the edge of the beach. Sora’s eyes were paranoid, still full of hope. But no matter where they looked, Riku wasn’t there. His white perfect hair would’ve glowed under the moonlight anyway, but no, not tonight. Sora sighed to himself, trying to keep a cheery attitude as Kairi enjoyed herself. The fireworks were magnificent, mind-blowing images blew up into the dark sky, but somehow, it wasn’t enough. ‘Please, Riku… Don’t miss this…’ He excused himself from Kairi and walked into the darkness of the island, where nobody currently was. His eyes couldn’t focus as the tears welled up in his eyes. He didn’t care, everything would be a blur for the rest of his life without his best friend.
Sora took a seat on a rock, a little distance away from the festival, able to see the fireworks just as clear. He buried his face in his knees and let the tears flow freely from his blue eyes. The hurt polluting his heart was far too much for him to keep handling. All he thought about was sleeping all night and day, because he was there in his dreams. Riku was never there in real life, but he always fought with those wooden swords in his dream. Sometimes Sora wished he was younger again, because at least he would have his bestfriend. The only person to keep the brunette leveled with reality. But without him, there was hardly a Sora. Couldn’t he just come and say goodbye for once? Was it too much to ask?
A female voice echoed, it was Kairi’s for sure, but he didn’t want to be found. He quickly got up and ran as far away from the festival as he could, but the journey ended with a quick fall. Sora’s face planted into the green grass, making him sore more than anything.
“Why are you wearing that?” A low voice questioned with sheer confusion. Sora lifted his head and looked up, only to find Riku standing in front of him. “It looks funny. Don’t the men wear something else?”
“R-Riku…?” His voice was soft, almost too soft to even hear. That couldn’t be true, not at all. Riku left, he wasn’t coming back. He closed his eyes, squeezing them shut. He waited five seconds and opened them again, only to see that the figure he saw was walking away. Sora stood and ran towards it, reaching his hand out as far as it would go. The fabric of Riku’s shirt caught between his index and middle finger, only to disappear into thin air. He stopped and fell through the ground, feeling his bones shatter, forcing out a terrifying scream as he landed in the darkness. His furisode was gone, replaced with a black cloak, the hood pulled over his face. Riku was there now, right in front of him, but he couldn’t move any of his limbs. He was paralyzed and wished he could move as Riku walked forward.