(no subject)

Apr 22, 2019 19:10

As is my wont, this is my round-up of the achievements of the past year. To my great shock, I appear not to have done one of these since 2016, but never mind, here we go again. Those of you curious in such things can find past lists using the birthday achievements tag.

What have I achieved in the past year?

I got promoted to Senior Lecturer.
I started time-logging my work activity, which has overall been a very positive move.
I used up much more of my annual leave than I think I have previously done.
I finished a complete draft of the Monster book.
I then completed a round of edits and got the final manuscript of the Monster book in.
I successfully submitted my first AHRC grant as PI and did responses to reader reports in good time.
I had two book reviews published in the Times Higher Education.
I wrote an article targeted for the 'leadership market'.
I co-organised an event related to my own research for the first time (the Musonius Rufus workshop).
I got a completely new work computer.
I gave a talk as part of an event at the Royal Institution.
I was interviewed to appear in the extras on a forthcoming DVD.
I was invited to blurb a book for the first time.
I managed working with a difficult colleague on overseeing a research centre, pretty successfully.
I designed and successfully taught an undergrad version of my 'theory toolbox' course that I've been wanting to teach for years.
I celebrated my son's fourth birthday.
I sorted out a school place for my son, in partnership with my husband.
I got closer to having a regular yoga practice than I have for some time.
I broke my toe, the first bone in my body I have broken.
I started the process of getting a new kitchen installed.
I had my hair coloured.
I started, very slowly, the process of exploring my spiritual vocation.
I continued to have spiritual direction.
I continued to try to walk closer with God.

Have I missed anything?

birthday achievements

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