The "going under the wave" edition. Note to self - if you find yourself needing to add anything to this page, your 2016/17 academic diary is now closed. Say no.
- The Monster book: I have written the second chapter! And started writing the third chapter! And got stalled because of other things! But that's OK!
- Our Mythical Childhood: deadline for submitting papers is 30th November. I have now got two sets of feedback and really need to pull my finger out and sort this. But book proofs.
- Book Stuff: proofs are here! I am working through various subchecks before reading the whole thing through. Deadline to return the proofs is 1st December, and that's going to be cutting it fine. Advance copies by 6th February 2017. The publication date on the publisher's website is now February.
- Family Archive: articles have, praise be, gone out to our advisory committee for their feedback, so PROGRESS.
- WCC: still following through the #WCCped housekeeping. To do - sort out things around the CA; keep an eye on elections; sort date for the next steering committee meeting.
- Birmingham seminar: given yesterday! Good questions! Lots of ideas! The basis for an article! Yay!
- AHRC conference: we've been asked to trim our session down to an hour, but that still means I need to witter on about Hercules: The Legendary Adventures. A colleague has given me most of the episodes of that and of Zena on BluRay, so I need to get on with watching those - which, incidentally, will feed into chapter four of the Monster Book. 12-13th December. Ahahaha. Aha.
- Liverpool seminar: Tuesday 14th February (our reading week). Title - Monstrous Acting: Ancient Monsters on Film. Will be something from the Monster book.
- CA 2017: well, we're not going to the CA, which is sad but kind of what I was expecting. Conversations now underway about what else might happen with this research idea.
- Advisees: nothing apart from reference requests as I am on research leave!
- Postgrad: waiting to be sent things.
- PGT Director: I don't formally take this on until January, but I am writing my own handover guide between now and then because no such thing exists and it strikes me as helpful.
- Book review: Hemelrijk's Hidden Lives, Public Personae. For Classical Review. Proofs approved; waiting for it to go up electronically and to see print in April 2017.
- New Generation Thinkers: will hear outcome of application in week beginning 12th December.
- Seneca, fathers, politics: I have the text of the Brum seminar to use as the groundwork for this, so the next stage is to build it up and make it into a proper draft. In my copious free time.
- Eugesta: to be written on the basis of the TSD Plautus Rudens seminar once other things are out of the way. I also intend to use it to prepare some of the text for Companion.
- Queering antiquity: needs revisiting in light of Classical Receptions Journal feedback. And after looking at it, it should actually be quite straightforward, and I'm not quite sure why it's taken me so long to do.
- CIQ article: something on using CIQs and reflective material in teaching. For after The Book (and at this rate after the Monsters book as well). Possibly for The Journal of Classics Teaching.
- Personal goal: get published in Bitch - 2k-4k articles. Contributor's guidelines including upcoming issue theme. This is a completely personal writing goal and is more to do with outreach and wanting to get something about monsters and classics out there in a pop culture sort of way. I am thinking a Medusa spin-off. Will get in touch when I have written the Medusa chapter.
Note to self: for future articles - remember that building off What You Know is easier than building off What You Don't Know. So explore the ideas of eroticism/knowledge and space theory through Seneca before going and playing in other texts - stepping stones are helpful.