I have a billion and one pics to share. OH YES I DO.
Firstly, Miette's body's box opening pics. XD Cause I can. XDXD
Haha, yes. I was impatiant and couldn't even get into the car and wait or anything. I opened her on the trunk of my car. XDXD
Adderess Label!
Chillin' Box. XD
Teh Crazy tape! Lookit the little dudes!!
Me, opening Teh Box o' DOOM
My face!! I don't normally look like that D:! I was pouting cause the boxeh wouldn't open. ><
It finally opened. :D
Bubble wrap... she's in there somewherez!!
Aww, cute little hnds I got wiff her. ^^
We tortured her with no clothes for a while. :D The resin match is pretty good. :) Good enough for me anyways :D!! And I love her little body soooo!
Cute dress shot!
We were going to Orlando to pick up Zacharias.... and everyone came with. :) This is them in the backseat... after Miette got her body. :D!!
Next up... random pics from before Miette got her body that I have been to lazy to upload!!
Gabriel, Benji and... er... Miette on my bookshelf. *snort!!*
*SNORT* I made Miette a makeshift body... I took the head of my little pose wood doll... XDXDXD
Last... meet-up photos!!! T actually took them, but I am there. :D haha
This is only a span of about two hours. Sadly we couldn't hang out with everyone for very long *kicks Gregory even though I luff him* :P Dweeby over parinoid boyfriends!
All the dollies at the meet!
Several Random shots... I don't remember everyone's name!! D:!! The tall girl with short black hair is Alexis... the girl with the fluffy hair and the open mouth is Kayrie, the only tan one is Zacharias, Miette is in the white dress, Gabriel is the boy sitting down with the brown hair, Z (Zelphia) is the girl beside Miette... and the others I can't member their names!! D:! Wait!! The tall vampire boy is back is Michael. o.o!!
Now, random pics of all of us walking. We each had two dolls, Save Jordan (the dood. :D who is wearing the poppie pouch with Michal in it!) and T... and Greg of course. (I got out lucky, Jesse was carrying her Lishe Z, and my Hound Gabriel, both big dollies!! Everyone else lucked out also and had one big and one little. XD)
Haaa, thats all folks. :D Tomorrow I go pick up Evangeline fromt he post office, and I promised Amanda (Mandiiv) I'd send her photos so... beware more pics. XD I'm a bad spammer. XDXD