So, for once in my life, I actually feel like doing a survey thingy. So that's what I'm going to do. A...
So nicely stolen from Anne.
1. In three words, explain what ended your last relationship? He ignored me.
2. When was the last time you shaved your legs? Before the choir concert. So....tuesday.
3. What were you doing this morning at 1am? Sleeping, f'real.
4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? Trying to find the website for the place my sister got her senior potraits done at so maybe I'll FINALLY set up an appointment to get mine done.
5. Are you any good at math? Eh. I'm not terrible, but I'm not great.
6. How was your prom night? When it happens, I'll let you know.
7. Do you have any famous ancestors? Probably. I mean, out of all the Horowitz's there have been in the world, there has got to be one famous one, right?
8. Have you ever taken out a loan to pay for school? Not yet, but it'll probably happen.
9. Do you know the words to the song on your myspace profile? Unfortunately no. I wish I did. It's an awesome song.
10. Do you get your nails done? Nope. The one and only manicure I've ever gotten was when I went on a cruise the summer of 2003. I got red nails. : )
11. How many different beverages have you drank today? 2. Water and orange juice.
12. Do you leave messages on people's answering machines? Only on their cell phones. I only leave home messages for my voice teacher.
13. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to? Aside from band concerts? Backstreet Boys in 5th (or 4th?) grade.
14. Do you write your name in the sand when you go to the beach? Nah. It's more fun to just bury your feet/your body/somebody else in the sand.
15. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had? braces are terrible. << I agree.
16. What is out your back door? My sad, old wooden deck and my sizeable backyard.
17. Any plans for Friday night? Oh, I dunno. Freaking out about things? That sounds like a grand old time.
18. Do you like the ocean? I do. I love to go out beyond where the waves crash on your head and float on the swells. It pretty relaxing.
19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns on christmas? No, but I have eaten some of two of other people's tins this year.
20. Have you ever been to a planetarium? Alas, no. It sounds like it could be cool, however.
21. What is your dream car? I really don't know enough about cars to have a dream car.
22. Something you are excited about? Being done with college applications. However, just thinking about it makes me really stressed right now.
23. What is your favorite flavor of JELLO? Mmm. Strawberry. Or JELLO pudding. Always good.
24. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive? No. In fact on one of my grandparents is alive still.
25. Describe your keychain? It has many, many, manymanymany things on it. A metal pig, a bead keychain I got for my birthday many years ago from Eileen, a Wakiki keychain from Daniela, a golden llama from Laura Hu, and keys, of course.
26. Where do you keep your change? In my wallet and in a thingy on my dresser.
27. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? Er....I guess...GoSto? I kinda talk in front of classes a lot. I dunno if that counts.
28. What kind of winter coat do you have? A pea coat. Well, I would have if Piyali hadn't accidentally taken it last night...XD
29. What was the weather like on your graduation? Once again, when it happens, I'll let you know.
30. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? Closed. Not like it would matter because my house is always pitch black at night.
So, let's talk about how I screwed myself over for Syracuse because I learned I had to get teachers to fill out evaluations along with reccommendations and they both have to be in a sealed envelope with my transcript and how I only have the transcript and the teacher reccommendations and it's supposed to be due on Jan. 1st but how I can't turn it in because I'm a stupid idiot who knows nothing about how to apply to college and how I pretty much suck at life and how everyone seems to know these things but me and how I'm freaking out and how I need another college to apply to that my parents aren't forcing me to apply to. Actually...on second thought, let's not talk about that.
Secret Santa was fun. I'm glad everyone was happy with everything. I'm glad we watched Love Actually because it's an amazing (chick flick) movie and it makes me want to me honest about things. Whether I will or not is another story.
P.S. I hope your carpet is okay, Michelle. I'll try not to be as over-zealous with my dreidle spinning around drinks next time.