Jan 27, 2007 21:37

I'M DONE. IT'S OVER. My two auditions have come and gone and now all that's left is to wait. I almost feel bad for not trying out for more places. Almost, but not quite. Let's recap:

-Ithaca was so chill. I had no idea an audition could ever be that painless. I got to the church in Bethesda, the guy running the auditions came out, told me they were just "winging it today," led me to my audition room and let me warm-up with my accompanist who I was completely comfortable with. We had practiced together two days before and everything went as well as I could've hoped. The guy came and got us, we went to the actual church part of the church and he explained everything and then he turned on the video camera. I answered some questions (What do you want to do with music after college?, etc.), I sang my songs, and then he gave me a short ear-training test. So quick. So painless. It was pretty amazing. Now I have another 5 weeks to wait for a decision.

-Syracuse was not quite so chill. I went up there Friday and the audition was today. We got there bright and early at 8:30. I filled out a crapload of paperwork and then went to some information meeting which I was only half listening to because I was trying to finish my paperwork. There was like this weird theory test which involved, among other things, them giving you D on the staff and telling you to write the first 4 measures of America the Beautiful with key and time signatures (not too bad) and identifying major, minor, augmented and diminished chords (which I can't do so well). Then I sat around and talked to so many people who were so rediculously nice. It was amazing. They took me too the bowels of the really old college of music when I warmed up in a tiny, chlostrophobic room with a Steinway piano and a shiny piece of metal on the wall so you could watch yourself sing. Then they led me back upstairs where I waited once again but with really amazing people. I enjoyed talking to all of them. And talk I did. I find I do that when I'm nervous. There was one guy who is Lumiere in his school's version of BatB and is being performed next week. V. cool. Our accompanist was this nice French guy, who I think was a student. We picked one song out of our 4 that we wanted to perform and then the judges would pick one they wanted to hear. I picked Beau Soir, my French song. The pianist played it too slow. The ends of my phrases died because I couldn't hold things that long. It was not a good situation. Then they picked Heffle Cuckoo Fair because they had never heard it before. I think they liked it??? I dunno. They told me I'm most def a soprano. No mezzo for me. And then we did more chord listening which I once again sucked at. I don't know why they felt the need to do it on the written part and in the audition too. I know I suck at it let's move on! I beasted the rest of it. Rhythm and melodies quite easy. But I dunno. I didn't get too good a vibe. It's just a feeling I had. But I guess we'll have to see. I don't even know how long I have to wait. My dad does though, I bet. He was taking notes during the information meeting, after all.

Good lord that was faaaaar too long a description. But now you know! And knowing is half the battle.

And here's my advice to people who haven't auditioned yet: take a step back and look at things in perspective. It's not the end of the world. It's just an audition. Just breathe. And don't talk to the other people's parents. They enjoy talking about their son's/daughter's achievements and it's best just to ignore them and not let them get to you. Even if they do mean well. And that's my amazing advice!

I'm just so glad it's over.

P.S. The weather in Syracuse makes the weather here look like a balmy spring day.
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