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Name: Sarah-Lynn (Sar)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Location: Phillips, WI.
Social Security Number: 396-02-????
Top 3 bands: Thursday, Bright Eyes, The Postal Service
Top 2 movies: The Breakfast Club, Sleepy Hollow
Top 7 books: The Crucible (More of a play than anything.), Cut, Rule Of The Bone, Best Known Works of Oscar Wilde, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, Cat's Cradle, The Great Gatsby
GPA (f applicable): In high school it was 3.69 my Senior year
Why do you want to be a literite?: Because I am quite possibly one of the most literate citizens in my entire town.
How do you demonstrate intellectual capabilities?: I believe that there are many types of intellectuals. I personally am intellectual in English, Debate and many forms of Art.
Through which medium[s] do you channel your intellectual gifts? (Please see above statement.)
Political Status: ... Republican... (Don't hate me because I'm Republican, Hate Me For Something Else.)
Career goals: I am attending school for Cosmetology in March, hopefully within the next two years I will have a job as a promising cosmetologist. Over the past eight months, I have been taking Photography Courses as well. After all, photography is something I am very passionate about.
Marital Status: Currently single, and not looking.
Describe yourself in 4-5 sentences: I am very spontaneous and complex. I am not an open book, I require reading between the lines if you want to see my true personality. Sarcasm is a close friend of mine, and I find it horribly pathetic when others are discouraged by the meaningless things I say. I adore running, debating, photography and singing. Most humans never cease to disappoint me.
Opinion on drugs and alcohol: I am not straightedge, nor am I for the use of mind-altering substances. Dependancy on either, or is terribly pathetic and I pitty those that need substances to have a "good" time. I have lost many good friends because of drugs.
If you could live and do anything in the world, where/what would it be?: If given the opportunity to live anywhere, I would love to move back to France. I spent five years there and it was absolutely amazing. If I were able to do anything I wanted, I would like to attempt to climb Mount Everest.
At least 5 pictures. Clear faces, and at least one body. (Pictures are mandatory)
I personally don't believe literacy has anything to do with the way a person looks. However, here are my pictures. (NOTE: MORE THAN FIVE PICTURES)
(Alyssa and Sarah!)
(I'm addicted to the camera, what can I say?)
Promote to two communities and one livejournal.
I don't normally join communities on this account, however I will promote to communities on my other journal (amarettosoco.)