Name: Tami
Age: 14
Gender: female
Location: Richmond Hill, Ontario
Social Security Number: I wouldn't know..
Top 3 bands: Oasis, Melee and Billy Talent
Top 2 movies: Robin Hood; Men In Tights, and Romeo & Juliet (Claire and Leo version)
Top 7 books: The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold, This Lullaby - Sarah Dessen, Dreamland - Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You - Sarah Dessen, That Summer - Sarah Dessen, Angela's Ashes - Frank McCourt, 'Tis - Frank McCourt
GPA (if applicable): N/a
Why do you want to be a literite?: I want to be literate because being smart is where it's at, plus I do think I'm quite literate myself...(Oh yes I have an ego)
How do you demonstrate intellectual capabilities?: In my school grades, and I guess the way I write/type. And usually I'm not seen without a book in my hands/jacket/bag.
Through which medium[s] do you channel your intellectual gifts? I read a lot, as well as write. I don't only write about sad things but I also like to write about various problems/random things that are interesting. I also read different kinds of books consisting of mysteries/romance/teen problem books. (Even though you can tell I usually like books from the same auther)
Political Status: N/a, I try not to get too into politics, hence why I wouldn't have one.
Career goals: For my education I know that I for sure would want to finish high school and go to a University, but I'm not sure which University yet. I'd also love to be a critic when I'm older, being paid to criticize something seems like a great career.
Marital Status: As single as I'll ever be.
Describe yourself in 4-5 sentences: I can be dead serious, but also can have my "stupid" moments. I try not to put myself in stereotypes, though it's really hard not to. Colour is one thing I've always loved. I don't like when people judge others by just their favourite bands, or movies are, as well as their looks. And to sum it up, I'm myself.
Opinion on drugs and alcohol: I do admit I've never actually tried drugs or alcohol, but I'm still against both. It doesn't seem right to me that someone could simply hurt their bodies with these social drugs just to be "happy" or "be with it". Your body is like your sacred temple, why would you choose to manipulate it?
If you could live and do anything in the world, where/what would it be?: If I were able to live anywhere I wanted to live, I'd choose to live where I am now, I know it's quite boring but I grew up here and I can't see myself anywhere else. If I could do anything in the world I'd choose to do what I can't, which is not procrastinate on things.
At least 5 pictures. Clear faces, and at least one body.
..Yep sorry I don't have a body picture, I guess I'm just not really comfortable with my body..but I will sooner or later. (=
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