Reminds me a bit of the burglars who hit my grandmother's house on the night of a service for her. A purse went missing, which contained nothing of value to such a person. They must have spent a bit of time and no small amount of effort to pry open a small safe to get: a bunch of stock certificates (numbers had been recorded and were called in) and all but one of about a dozen silver dollars in a change purse. They also disconnected the TV and VCR, but didn't move either.
Maybe we have hit on something that could be exploited commercially!! A burglar deterrent which emits strong mould smell when owner is not present (slight problem turning the thing off in sufficient time for smell to dissipate before arrival home but mobile phones could be used as part of the solution!).
The burglars who burgelled us managed to make off with not one but *three* valuable and sentimental items of jewellery and some electronics. Unfortunately they are not all total incos :(
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