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Comments 2

flowercoffee April 16 2012, 15:19:57 UTC
No Yoon Jae, you should stalk Yunho! è_è
But I agree with Yoon Ki: how is stalking supposed to make you comfortable with the other person? v_V If that had sense I would be in Korea following Jaejoong by now V_V

Lmao at Sung Ri's mother! She decided withouth any hesitation! X°D She was almost throwing her daughter out of the window. X°D
But yay! I'm really intrigued by Sung Ri living with Junsu *_____* Can't wait to see what will happen~ *__*

...But what is going to happen to the beach? éoè No Junsu u cannot die, understood? Just DON'T è_é XD

Hi Minnie~~ Unlike Heechul you're so cute in your own nerd way. *_*

Thanks to you~~ ^^


the_lost_melody April 18 2012, 01:27:15 UTC
I believe Yunho would be kind of frustrating (and difficult) to follow since he's with Yoochun and Hee Soo ^^
Well, a girl who stalks has no logic whatsovever, so she might just try her strange logic with him although it does not work XD (and I agree on that one about stalking Jaejoong ^^)

Yep, Sung Ri's mom was ready to let her daughter go ^^ although it's because of her health.

About the beach... no worries, Junsu is not having any wild ideas about getting himself killed. It's just that whenever he has a mission in which he has to kill someone, he ends up going to the beach. It's like the sea water can clean his soul and wash his sins away.

Yep, Minnie is just a cute nerd who happens to have a psycho as a brother ^^


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