Title: Let's Play
Rating: PG-13 || Genre: Humour/Crack/Fluff (?) || Status: Complete
Pairing(s): YooSu
Basic Synopsis: It's time for the World Cup again and since Junsu loves soccer, he's obsessing over it. However he has a very dangerous habbit... at least for Yoochun.
Warnings: Sex talk. Funny Sex talk. ^_^
He had waited for this moment for years. It was his dream since he was a kid, since he knew himself as a person and since… well, since he had dreams that didn’t involve him being the owner of a theme park just because he would be able to ride everything without paying.
Truth is that the whole thing had started when his father started taking him to the park to take a walk, after noticing that if he stayed home long enough, his wife wouldn’t do anything else than pampering the child like a porcelain doll. After all Junsu was already five years old and his father was secretly wishing him to be like his older brother, who would run around, scaring the younger kids. Junsu would also run around, but only because he couldn’t stay still nor too far from Junho for more than ten minutes.
As to Mr. Kim’s great surprise and delight, Junsu demonstrated a great interest in sports, such as long running and he liked to see little Junsu sprinting towards the ducks at the lake, trying to catch them and almost drowning in the process. Later on, Junsu discovered that the rocks that his brother liked to play with, in order to train his powerful throw, were great to kick (and hit those who walked around at the time) and so, Mr. Kim decided to get him something softer and less dangerous to kick: a soccer ball.
The crazyness about sports got stronger as years went by. Junsu’s birthday cakes would always have something related to soccer in them, out of all the presents he’d get, one third of them would have something to do with soccer and the best of it was when Junsu found out how the hell those damned configurations on his laptop worked and he was able to finally put up his favourite soccer idol as his wallpaper background.
Now, after years playing soccer (and breaking every possible object in the house), finally his biggest dream was coming true.
He’d always dream about being a player in the national team and representing his country with al his heart and soul and what better place to do that than at the Wold Cup?
The world’s most important competition as far as soccer is concerned and his childhood dream. The enthusiasm, the lights, the cameras, the fame, the fans screaming his name… everything sounded so familiar in a way. Maybe he was really born for that.
One look around send shivers throughout his whole body and suddenly the referee blew on his whistle. It was starting.
The ball came to him and Junsu smiled, running forward with it at his feet. It was only after running a few meters that he realized that ten players from the other team were running behind him. He ran faster and prepared to pass the ball to one of his team mates, but there was no one else in the field. Being chased around by ten guys who were tall as hell and wanted his ball was not what he had in mind so he kept going forward, thinking about scoring only.
Suddenly, after running for more than half the length of the field, he saw that there was only one more guy standing in his way, so he decided to kick the ball as hard as he could , hitting the man with it. The ball came to him again, so he just ran toward it and decided to kick it again, but failed at aiming, the ball went past him and suddenly there was a loud scream.
Junsu opened his eyes and tried to figure out where he was. A few seconds later he recognized his room and noticed that there was someone in the floor.
“Yoochun?” He called
“DON’T TALK TO ME!” The man yelled.
“What are you doing there?”
“YOU! You… I should… ahh…”
Junsu kept looking at his curled up boyfriend innocently “Are you okay?”
Junsu covered his ears. Geez… he didn’t have to yell… “You know? I just had the strangest dream ever.”
“I don’t want to know.” Yoochun said, clutching his hands inbetween his legs, still curled up in the floor.
“I dreamed I was a soccer player…”
“That explains a lot, really.” Yoochun noted.
“It was my debut and it was during the World Cup. The stadium was filled and everyone was screaming my name but I was playing alone against a team of players who’s average height was two meters.”
“You have some awsome self-esteem, huh? I bet you won the game even in those circumstances.” Yoochun finally managed to sit down straight, despite some difficulties.
“No. I ran towards towards the ball but didn’t manage to kick it in the end.”
Yoochun looked at Junsu, probably trying to kill him with his eyes “Trust me Junsu, you didn’t miss the ball. You hit it right in the middle and I assure you, that you’ve hit both of them.”
Junsu laid down on his belly in the bed, putting his chin on top of his hand and looked at Yoochun with innocent eyes.
“What are you saying?”
“Tell me something, Junsu, are you by any chance trying to put our future at stake here?” Junsu looked confused at this “Oh, I know! This is because of what I’ve said before, right? Because I told you you’d never top.”
“You are not making any sense, you know that?”
“Then explain me why is it that this is the second time this week that you decide that what I have inbetween my legs is good to hit? It hurts a lot, do you know that?”
“Do you want me to make the pain go away?” He asked, smiling coyly.
“I am mad at you, okay?”
“That’s good. Make up sex is always better.” Junsu smiled like a five year old who just got a new toy and Yoochun got up, trying to walk slowly.
“You are getting too frisky, you know that? Jaejoong was right when he said that I should not come to your room until our concerts were over. Then you’re obsessed with the damned World Cup and I am the one suffering because of it. You know what? Now you really won’t top! Foul! Red card!
Junsu looked at Yoochun, shocked.
“Well, maybe I’ll punish you too and no one gets any!”
“Like you could resist me.”
“If I think hard enough about your wide forehead, your non-existent muscles and your tiny butt, I can” Junsu said at last.
Yoochun was already going into the bathroom when he heard those words, which made him turn back to face his boyfriend and get close to him.
“What are you hinting? That I am not attractive enough?”
“I am way sexier, you have to admit it, “ Junsu said, smiling pervertedly “so I think it’s more like YOU can’t resist ME, mr. Park.”
“I can assure you tha-” His trail of thought was lost as soon as Junsu unbuttoned his pajama’s shirt, opening it wide.
“Do you think I can make you change your mind?”
“Maybe?” Yoochun said, slowly.
Junsu smiled and hurried into throwing Yoochun to his bed, sitting on top of him, while battling with his shirt’s buttons.
“You won’t be there for long, so don’t start getting ideas.” Yoochun warned him.
Junsu was not happy and that could be seen in his face. “Alright then. You’ll see what I’m going to do to you.”
“YAH” What are you doing? Stop it!”
Junsu started tying up Yoochun’s wrists to the head of the bed with the shirt he had stripped earlier and as soon as he was satisfied with the result of his bonding and made sure his boyfriend was not going anywhere, he smiled and got up.
“Kim Junsu, where do you think you are going?
“Me? I’m going to take a bath. Why?”
“Can you release me?”
“No, I can’t. You are mean to me, so you are staying there until you repent.”
“You nearly turned me into an eunuch awhile ago, so you are the one who should be repenting. Now untie me!”
Junsu ignored Yoochun’s plea and looked at his watch “Let’s see… we’ll have to leave at 8 pm, right? Well, you’ll have time to think it over.
Hum… I think there’s a game today. I wonder if I’ll have time to watch it on tv later on…
A/N: You can hit me now! It's fail, I know, but oh well, the World Cup started and our Dolphin boy must be ecstatic, so this came to mind. Why do I make Yoochun suffer so much, I wonder? ^_^ . Tell me what you think, 'kay? *hugz*