Also: holes in the thighs. THIS IS THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE!! Dear jeans makers, a lot of women have thighs that touch and therefore rub together, REINFORCE YOUR DAMN JEANS so that within 3 months of buying them they don't have holes!
It's probably a marketing technique...sell you jeans you love that die in 3 months so you have to go and shell out 40 bucks for another pair...sinister I tell you.
There's a great site: They repair holes and it looks like new. Also reinforces them. I had this done on a pair of my favorite jeans because I refused to part with them. Sadly, I have since grown out of them. Highly recommend them.
Comments 4
Also: holes in the thighs. THIS IS THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE!! Dear jeans makers, a lot of women have thighs that touch and therefore rub together, REINFORCE YOUR DAMN JEANS so that within 3 months of buying them they don't have holes!
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