Today was both fun as well as exhausting.. Well, okay, "exhausting" is too strong a word, but oh well. I awoke around 8, got out of bed around 11, and spent a couple hours with Kevin. We had lunch and went to the mall, where I got Moon Child. XDDD Dude, I will pay you back by Friday. ^^v *hug*
Work was slow. I was asked many times if I was feeling okay, even though I was smiling and all pretty much the entire time.. ><;; Jeez, is it that easy to really see through my mask? T.T Need practice then.. Ah, which reminds me, I saw Mike online today~ for about 15 seconds~ before he signed off 'cause I think he didn't want to talk to me~ but that's okay, 'cause it means he didn't block me~ ^-^. Thus ends my sad little song of the day. ^__^
And now-! Off to watch Moon Child. X333
Such a misfit,