Title: Raising Baby aka Parenting according to Brittany and Kurt (3/7)
the_marlinator Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kurt, Brittany (some slight un-established/pre-slash Santana/Brittany and Puck/Kurt), Burt Hummel
Warning: Slight sexual references
Spoilers: Up to 1x13 to be safe
Disclaimer: Neither Glee or it's characters belong to me, they belong to
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Comments 15
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On another note, I totally am digging your icon <3
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This however, does not, it is awesome, and I love it. Aw, poor baby Kurt got hit in the head! Somehow it makes sense he would be a superficial bleeder (Which is something Puck could freak out over lol) but I really love this so far. And I love the fact that he shared that story with Brittany to make her feel better. I wish I could remember when I was three lol.
Ah I remember my sister's desperation with the crying doll, the "Please, Please stop crying, PLEASE!" lol. I look forward to seeing more from you!
I am so glad you are liking this :D I think all moms have had moments where their kids have been hurt and they freak out over it. I think all of my brothers and sister (including myself) has gotten stitched, taped or glued up at least once (usually because of each other).
I empathize with your current awake situation, I have had days where I have had to leave the house at ungodly hours to get to a certain rehearsals. What used to press my buttons though was when people refused to show up and the whole thing was pointless and your there thinking "why the hell am I here when I could be snuggled up in bed?" Sorry for ranting!
Thank-you again for the review.
Other than the character qualms, I am glad you think it is well written, generally, and I hope you can understand my reasons for writing Brittany this way. I goes with the idea of the story, and what I have perceived her character to be like so far from the show.
Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Soo cute! *.*
I'm loving this fic! õ/
Congratulations õ//
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
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