Dear god I hate Nardwaur... But, and a giant butt this is, that was a hilarious interview. There's one with Henry Rollins back in like '94 or something where Henry just gets so angry and annoyed with him... it's pretty funny. I'm sure it's on youtube somewhere. They're soooo cute and happy! I was at that Vancouver show, and Cedric was so angry afterwards because he was so upset with the sound quality in the venue. He actually threw his whole pedal board/theormin (probably spelled wrong) into the crowd and then started ripping the head sets off of security and throwing them over as well... So everyone is grabbing at shit still attached to them. Pretty funny.
Comments 6
this is amazing, thank you so much
They're soooo cute and happy! I was at that Vancouver show, and Cedric was so angry afterwards because he was so upset with the sound quality in the venue. He actually threw his whole pedal board/theormin (probably spelled wrong) into the crowd and then started ripping the head sets off of security and throwing them over as well... So everyone is grabbing at shit still attached to them. Pretty funny.
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