Rikku's schedule had been a mess. And then, miraculously, it had cleared itself up at the very last minute, leaving her a little gap where she had been hoping most for one. Portal time ate up a chunk of it, but she was left with a little over 24 hours on Fandom, which was well worth the hassle.
Of course, Rikku hadn't told anyone she was getting a portal in. Especially not Reno.
Instead, she was carefully -- and quietly -- picking the lock to his apartment door. And hoping she had the right door.
Luckily, the interior was all Reno. Especially once the ninja-weasel-goose honked at her.
"Shhhhh," she said, tiptoeing over to Mako's cage. "Shhhhhhhhhhh. Be good and quiet now, okay?"
Reno was lying in his bed, asleep. She was surprised that Mako hadn't woken him, with that, but maybe he'd had a late night.
All the better. Now, to get closer quieeeeeeetly ...
(just for the Turk-person who is not so asleep as she may think. apt. modded with permission for reals.)