Rogue: *wanders past dragging some of Artamir's possessions*
Arvedui: *reaches out with his good hand and grabs Rogue by the colar, not looking up from his book* Put them down.
Rogue: *keeps walking and doesn't seem to notice her air's cut off* Got a appointment with the pawnshop, sorry.
Arvedui: *sighs and stands up to his full height, lifting Rogue a bit off the ground* I'm not a very patient man nowadays. Put. Them. Back. *serious tone*
Rogue: *kicks her feet* he said I could? *winning smile*
Arvedui: He? *ignores smile, he's thinking about other smiles >.>*
Rogue: Artamir. Very nice, generous man. Really. *kicks at Arvediu's legs*
Arvedui: I'll believe that when I'll hear him say it. *ignores the kicks and hangs her by the colar on a torch scone and proceeds to get his things back*
Rogue: *sighs and slips out of her shirt* *tackles Arvedui*
and now for some behind the scenes commentary:
Arvedui LK: ((>.> Is she wearing anything under there? *prays*))
TakaCrantz: ((nope))
Arvedui LK: ((>.<))
TakaCrantz: (( :D ))
Arvedui: O_O *shuts his eyes tight and tries to scramble out of her reach*
Rogue: *bitebitebite*
Arvedui: *winces, but does not do anything except trying to get away* >.<
Rogue: *snatches Artamir's stuff back*
Arvedui: ¬.¬ *scrambles away, reaching for the largest cloth-thing he can find - i.e curtains - and flings it on Rogue, tackling her back*
Rogue: *knees him*
Arvedui: *falls on top of her* ow. >.<
Rogue: *wiggles out of the curtain* stares up at Arvedui*
Rogue: you are one mean ancestor, buddy
Arvedui: And you are one mean descendant, lass. *glares, still keeping his weight on her*
Rogue: >.> *seduce!*
Arvedui: >.< What on earth are you doing, woman?!
Rogue: screwing with your head.
Arvedui: ¬.¬ Mine's fairly screwed-with, your added efforts are not required.
Rogue: *kiss* :D
Arvedui: *breaks away and puts a curtain bit over her head, still on top of her* o.o That was uncalled for.
Rogue: *pulls the curtain far down* not reallllly. *wraps arms around his neck*
Arvedui: >.< *shuts his eyes again and prays to every god-like being he ever prayed to*
Rogue: give one to Irmo. :D
Arvedui: >.< *does that*
Rogue: good. I think I saw him once. He shows up for the orgies that my mom kept holding.
Arvedui: >.< I am going to pretend I didn't hear that...
Rogue: think he heard your prayer? :D
Arvedui: Eru, I hope so >.< *waits for devine intervention*
Rogue: *innapropriate acts*
Arvedui: *tries to get away, but she's got a deadlock hold on his neck with her arms, and he is unwilling to harm her* >.<
Rogue: *laughs and lets him go*
Arvedui: *scrambles away very quickly and hides behind anything large* women...nohonor->.Rogue: I get it from my father, actually. I think we have a lack of honour naturally.
Arvedui: Yes, that sounds about right... *tries to calm down*
Rogue: *sits back, curtain off* *beams at Arvedui*
Arvedui: *is not looking her way* Get some clothes on... please?
Rogue: this is a very painless way to get you back for hanging me from a torch
Arvedui: I see. *keeps his eyes on anything non-Rogue*
Rogue: *sits down beside him and hums off-key*
Arvedui: >.< *looks away - my, that little ball of lint in the corner is so very interesting >.>*
Rogue: *nuzzles up against him*
Arvedui: >.< *scrambles away to hide behind another large thing, starting to breath hard because of all this not-good-for-his-injuries exercise*
Rogue: *victory dance*
Arvedui: *doesn't notice*
Rogue: *sighs and goes over to him and re-performs the victory dance of distraction*
Arvedui: >.< *shuts eyes tight* Please stop?
Rogue: go fetch my shirt then
Arvedui: *does just that, only opening his eyes when he's sure she won't be in his line of vision, and closing them again as he gets near her to give her her shirt back* There you go, my lady.
Rogue: *tugs it back on* okay, it's safe for your virgin eyes
Arvedui: *tentatively opens them* *relieved breath* Not virgin, honour-bound >.>
Rogue: by what?
Arvedui: *frowns* What do you mean, by what?
Rogue: what's got you all bound?
Arvedui: Doesn't anybody know the Code of Honour nowadays? *shakes head* It clearly states that seeing a woman unclothed which is not your lawfully wedded wife is a breach of honour. *pauses* Unless it's in a dream.
Rogue: I don't know it.
Arvedui: *gets out a small book from a pocket and offers* It will only do you good. >.>
Rogue: >.> ...I can't read too well. *stares at it*
Arvedui: O.O *outraged* What did you say?
Rogue: um. I can't. I didn't get any lessons when I was young. *eyedarts nervously*
Arvedui: *mutters a couple of choice elvish curses at his line of male descendants* I'll teach you, if you want. It's an essential ability for a young lady.
Rogue: I learned some in Mandos... >.>
Arvedui: Yet clearly not enough if you hesitate to read a book. *quotes* "Not having a skill is a loss, having a full skill is an asset - but having half a skill is a weakness"
Rogue: >.<
Arvedui: *sigh* Suit yourself. *gets up to go search for his book which was lost in all the... scrambling*
Rogue: not weak. Tougher than Firiel or any women from your time. *huffs*
Arvedui: Everybody's weak, that's why the traders say that "Every man has a a price". The poeple 'of my time' just learned to accept this and to start weed out any weeknesses they found. *finally finds his book and dusts it off*
Rogue: I'll strip again, I swear.
Arvedui: >.< Am I saying such horrid things?
Rogue: I spend all my time with rohirrim. This is deadly insult territory by osmosis. >.>
Arvedui: *sharp look* You are of both Numenorian and Noldorin descent, a princess of this land, and a woman with a sharp mind. This should be no insult to you, and if it is - insults should mean nothing to you.
Rogue: bah. I'm a teenager. I can take offence at how you *breathe*.
Arvedui: *sighs* And now you make excuses. *shakes head sadly*
Rogue: Right then. *tugs at her shirt*
Arvedui: *glares* I'll be quiet. *does so, and sits in a chair to read*
Rogue: help with reading?
Arvedui: *not looking up from the book* If you wish me to teach you you'll have to promise to remain fully clothed.
Rogue: eh. sure. It was getting cold.
Arvedui: *looks up at her and gestures at a random chair* Sit down, then.
Rogue: *sits and looks attentive*
Arvedui: *gives her a short sentance to read from his book - it's called Ring Lords - to see how much she knows*
Rogue: See Jane. See Jane run. Run, Jane, run.
Arvedui: ¬.¬ All right. I suppose we'll start with the basics... *pulls out papers and a pen* Do you know all the letters of the alphabet?
Rogue: *writes them all down, except for some errors in direction*
Arvedui: *gently gives advice on how to get them all right* Very good. How about some simple words? Write down a couple of words you know how to write...
Rogue: *writes down quotes from her father*
Arvedui: *blanches* Er... Well... I assume you can read them back as well *winces*
Rogue: erm. sorta. This is just memory from his notebook he left behind once.
Arvedui: Well, try anyway... They're not very... nice things, but if it's something you're familiar with it will be easier for you... >.>
Rogue: um. Arwen. Assets. Large tracts of land...
Arvedui: Good. Good... *helps her along if she stumbles on things*
Rogue: I assume it was about the countryside >.>
Arvedui: Yes, in a way >.> Moving on. Can you read back this? *writes down, "To drink, and be merry, and to sail away on the wind" in his flowing script*
Rogue: to. be. to. on. the. wind.
Arvedui: *helps her with the words, syllable by syllable until she gets it all right*
Rogue: ahh.
Arvedui: See? That wasn't so hard... Did you learn how to write new words?
Rogue: *writes merry down*
Arvedui: Wonderful. *smiles* Now, this line is a part of a song - would you like to learn the rest of it?
Rogue: sure.
Arvedui: Let's start with the beginning... *writes the first verse - "The sea hides it's pleasures beneath stormy waves, The sky hold secrets man will always crave, The land paths whisper of tales yet untold, Yet the dangers of travel can make any heart cold."*
Rogue: *adds a line about very angry bunnies*
Arvedui: *smiles* Everyone seems to do that... Can you read the verse back please? Including the line with the bunnies, if you wish.
Rogue: okay... the sea stormy the hold man crave the land paths of tales yet yet the of travel can make any cold
Arvedui: Hmm... I wonder... Could you read just one word at a time, please? Just follow my finger *points to the first word*
Rogue: I'm just reading the ones I know. >.>
Arvedui: It's all right, dear. However, you are here to learn new things, so just try and read the letters and slowly form the word. Like this: h, i - hi. d,e,s - des. It doesn't matter if they sound weird at first, Minas Tirith wasn't built in a day, after all...
Rogue: *works on stormy*
Arvedui: *grin* I thought you said you knew that one.
Rogue: hush you.
Arvedui: As you wish, my lady. *helps her break down the word to letters & syllables*
Rogue: I shall understand it start to finish and work on the ones I don't know after that.
Arvedui: It seems easier that way, doesn't it? Yet being able to read a word only because you know how it looks like won't help you deal with new words on your own. I am trying to teach you how you can teach yourself a word simply by reading it one letter at a time... Wouldn't you preffer to be able to handle reading on your own without having to turn to others for help?
Rogue: that's why I said I wanted to understand it first >.>
Arvedui: Very well, but I still want you to try and use my technique as well. So, after this verse I'll give you a hard word and you'll try to figure out how it should sound by breaking it down - all right?
Rogue: I think we're saying the same thing.
Arvedui: Oh?
Rogue: I said I wanted the whole word. which meant finding out which each letter was for, etc >.>
Arvedui: *sighs* As you wish. *reads out the verse for her*
Rogue: which I thought was what you just said your technique was...
Arvedui: *calmly* No, my technique does not require me to go and ask someone to read out the lines for me.
Rogue: I didn't ask you to read. I just wanted to know what s, t, o, r, m and y were all. >.>
Arvedui: Oh. I thought you knew... *ponders explanation techniques*
Rogue: do unspeakable evil overlords *have* to know how to read?
Arvedui: Yes, because often enough, the heroes who try and kill them do not know how to read and that gives said overlords a power over them. "Magic is simply the art of doing something someone else doesn't know how to do", etc.
Rogue: I was gonna try and be a stabby overlord
Arvedui: That doesn't always work, you know.
Rogue: I could make it work.
Arvedui: It would take time, and reserach - which would require either reading or getting an expert. The former being the easier and much preffered choice.
Rogue: bah!
Arvedui: *nods* Truth is often the last thing you want to hear. Anyway, do you still want me to help you with reading?
Rogue: yes.
Arvedui: All right. *writes down "Philosophy"* Do you know how to read this word?
Rogue: physiology?
Arvedui: Almost. Now, just try to break it down into smaller words, using the vowels - i,o,y and so on - as stopping points, all right? *hopeful look*
Rogue: philo-sophy
Arvedui: *beams* Excellent. You're the fastest student I've ever had...
Rogue: *gives it another go, still pronouncing the sophy part with a oh noise*
Arvedui: *smiles, helps her get it right* Wonderful.
Now that you can figure out how a word should sound like we can work on how it should be pronounced - which are, as you've noticed, somewhat different things... *gets his Ring Lords book again and opens it in a random page* Just choose something to read out from the book, take your time. I'll help you find the right pronounciations for everything, all right?
Rogue: disembowel
Arvedui: o.o Did you know that word from before?
Rogue: maybe.
Arvedui: *coughs* Either way, you've pronounced it very well. Er... Try something else.
Rogue: "the laments of their women"
Arvedui: *peers at the page, to see if she got it right* Er.. Wonderful. I am pleased to anounce that you can now read. *gently takes the book from her*
Rogue: >.> it was getting interesting!
Arvedui: I'm sure. >.> There are other copies of it in the library, if you wish to read more. Plenty of other books there too you can practice on...
Rogue: *hums a happy warsong*
Arvedui: *hums along unconsciously* >.>
Rogue: how long ago of an ancestor are you?
Arvedui: I was born in 1864 TA, about a thousand-and-some years ago.
Rogue: how many ancestors in-between?
Arvedui: I believe Aragorn was the 16th chief of the Rangers, and my son was the first.
Rogue: old.
Arvedui: *distantly* Aye.
Rogue: I should be eighteen. But I died. *kicks her feet*
Arvedui: You died?
Rogue: yup.
Arvedui: How?
Rogue: orcs.
Arvedui: Ah. And you were eighteen at the time?
Rogue: I was fourteen.
Arvedui: o.o Oh. *winces at the memory of what orcs did to 14 or 18 year old girls before/during.after killing them* Er... My sympathies. *sincere*
Rogue: well, Mandos was better than the maids in charge of us. And I got my name. >.> so. bonus.
Arvedui: *frowns* Got your name?
Rogue: I didn't have one. I think Rogue was a joke. But it's easy to pronounce so I'm keeping it.
Arvedui: *angry frown* Your father did not name you on your birth day?
Rogue: none of us. One of my sisters ended up going with Waldo
Arvedui: >.< Yet another duty he neglected... *sad sigh*
Rogue: I like Rogue.
Rogue: I might have ended up with something like Laiqwissee is they'd named me
Arvedui: It means either an unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person; a scoundrel or rascal, one who is playfully mischievous; a scamp. Or a wandering beggar; a vagrant, or a vicious and solitary animal, especially an elephant that has separated itself from its herd. Or an organism, especially a plant, that shows an undesirable variation from a standard.
Rogue: Yeah, I like it.
Arvedui: I would have named you Artêniel, for you are a daughter of kings.
Rogue: Now, see, that one's just full of weird pronounciations. And doesn't describe my personality nearly so well
Arvedui: You'd be surprised. I didn't say which kings.
Rogue: >.>
Arvedui: But if you like Rogue, then who am I to argue.
Rogue: and no one else has it.
Arvedui: That's true.
Rogue: I could have been named Aragorn Jr.
Arvedui: Costum would either have it as Arweniel, if any.
Rogue: I'm not sure they actually checked for gender.
Arvedui: Was Eldarion born before you?
Rogue: Eldarion is actually uncle Elrohir's.
Rogue: and some dol amrothian chick *adds quickly*
Arvedui: *blinks* Which one is the oldest sister among you, then?
Rogue: I...don't know? I don't think it's me.
Arvedui: If it is you - congratiolations. Whiever you marry will be the next person in line for the throne after Eomer and his new born son.
Rogue: I think there were some that were taller than me. I remember this. >.>
Arvedui: Height has nothing to do with age... As a matter of fact, seeing as you died at fourteen - age has nothing to do with it, either. It's all a matter of the order of birth.
Rogue: Bear in mind I just think I was fourteen. I don't know my birthday.
Arvedui: It's probably in the lineage records.
Rogue: ooh. could I pick which date is me?
Arvedui: Well, if they didn't give you any names, I suppose you could...
Rogue: and if I am, you were nearly in line but you left. *haughty look*
Arvedui: *sadly* I didn't have a chance to apologize for that... I am truly sorry, it was wrong of me. *sincere*
Rogue: *shrugs* s'alright
Arvedui: Thank you.
Rogue: so now I gotta marry a girl to really screw with that whole lineage thing. *considering look*
Arvedui: No woman can rule in Gondor's throne. It's a law.
Rogue: but the numenoreans...
Arvedui: Were a war-mongering lot who made a lot of silly rules simply because they felt like it. In those times, at least. They were a brilliant folk once, but their fall was not without justice, in the end.
Rogue: but they had ruling women.
Arvedui: Yes, but that rule was not made in Gondor, and rightly so. A woman's place is somewhere else.
Rogue: behind you with a knife?
Arvedui: Precisely. Well, figuratively at least - behind anyone with a knife.
Rogue: okay, that threat fell flat. *confused look*
Arvedui: *sigh* Women are much better at discreet work, a soft whisper in one lord's ear can cause any number of wars to take place, or peace treaties to be signed. Men are good at genereally shouting encouraging things and planning large-scale things that almost never get finished. "Women hold the art of the little details, Men hold the women and not much else".
Rogue: but I would look really neat in the king's crown.
Arvedui: Maybe, but it would not be right.
Rogue: Rohan lets women rule too. And so did some other countries.
Arvedui: If you prove yourself to be the equal of Eowyn, then you would deserve a crown as well.
Rogue: cool. get me a sword.
Arvedui: *gives her a short sword* Adunaphel should be around the city somewhere. Have fun.
Rogue: Theo says you're not allowed to use me as cheap labour anymore. >.>
Arvedui: *frown* Theoden?
Rogue: whoever I call Theo constantly
Arvedui: There are a lot of Theos around. You'd have to be more speciffic.
Rogue: The one I'm with.
Arvedui: Theodwyn?
Rogue: *thinks* ...yes. that's the one
Arvedui: Yes, well... Eowyn killed a wraith, I just figured you might want to do a repeat performance. But if you don't want to... *takes the sword away*
Rogue: Look, if I see any wraiths I'll bite them. How's that?
Arvedui: Very anti-survivalistic of you.
Rogue: I fear no wraith.
Arvedui: I do belive the wraiths fear no girls armed solely with their teeth.
Rogue: do wraiths fear girls armed with small swords?
Arvedui: Some do.
Rogue: I think the sword has to be a bit bigger. and the girl needs armor.
Arvedui: True enough. The armory's that way *points*
Rogue: *glares*
Arvedui: I promised to respect Theodwyn's wishes, and she does not wish me to 'use you as cheap labor'.
Rogue: that means killing people when it's your job.
Arvedui: Aye. So if you're going to do something like that anyway, I am not going to be involved in it.
Rogue: except you told me to and offered the illusion of matching up to Eowyn. Which is psychological blackmail
Arvedui: Perhaps, but my intention at the time was to prove to you that women can rule only in special cases. It was you who wished to go and do what Eowyn did.
Rogue: I never mentioned her name. I just used Rohan and 'other countries' as an example for ruling women. >.>
Arvedui: The only ruling woman in Rohan, to my knowledge, was Eowyn. If you did not mean her, then I do not see who else you might have meant.
Rogue: Hani soon too. *kicks her feet*
Arvedui: Yet that might change. Last I heared there was some trouble with another ancestor of theirs coming back to take the throne.
Rogue: don't ruin my illusions.
Arvedui: As you wish, my lady.
Rogue: still think ruling women is a perfectly fine idea.
Arvedui: If you ever become a queen you could convince your husband/herald/anyone-with-a-pen to add it to the laws.
Rogue: that totally ruins my woman marrying idea. *annoyed look*
Arvedui: It isn't always easy being royalty.
Rogue: I shall stay a wanderer then. It's easier.
Arvedui: *shrug* Suit yourself. It would be a shame though *distant look*
Rogue: why would it be a shame?
Arvedui: You have a shapr mind and a shapr eye. You're a fast learner, and as far as I can see, you're fearless and not sqeamish about anything. I also forsee you developing into a very beautiful woman, if you will ever age. All in all, you have a very hight potential of being a wonderful queen.
Rogue: I'm an evil little beast. >.>
Arvedui: So?
Rogue: I would think being not-evil is a requisite for queenship
Arvedui: *frowns* Whoever said that?
Rogue: my common sense.
Arvedui: Well, it's true that it would be prefferable that a queen would be good and just, but pretending to be so is just as good as being so. A queen should also be able to see things good little girls will simply faint at, and make hard decisions.
Rogue: off with all their heads!
Arvedui: >.< That, for instance is a very useless thing which would simply waste away good resources.
Rogue: thank Eru I shall never be queen. *snatches Arvedui's book and starts reading*
Arvedui: *starts to protest, but decides that giving her anything to read so she can practice her new skill is more important* Just give it back when you're finished?
Rogue: got any pencils? This needs illustrations
Arvedui: Please do not. It is the original copy, written by my own hand, and I would prefer it to be unsullied.
Rogue: but I draw nice stuff!
Arvedui: I am sure you do, but if I wanted illustrations for it, I would have done them myself.
Rogue: *sulk*
Arvedui: You can illustarte on these. *hands over papers* All right?
Rogue: *takes and starts drawing cartoony illustrations*
Arvedui: *glances over occasionally to make sure she isn't doing anything to the book*
Rogue: *does cartoony Arvedui with a speech bubble over his head repeating things*
Arvedui: I don't have that large a nose.
Rogue: *adds a scraggly beard*
Arvedui: And I am ususally better groomed.
Rogue: *blows Arvedui a kiss* *draws some fish*
Arvedui: *hmphs* *draws Rogue as she draws things*
Rogue: *and congaline dancing elves*
Arvedui: *fleshes out the picture to make it nicely realistic*
Rogue: *draws exagerrated cartoons*
Arvedui: *makes a quick copy of everything she drew to the page he drew Rogue drawing on*
Rogue: *presents Arvedui with her drawings* the fish represent love
Arvedui: Thank you, my lady. *presents her with his own drawing*
Rogue: my butt is not that big. >.>
Arvedui: Oh? *fixes*
Rogue: that's it. satisfy my ego
Arvedui: Hmm? *confused look*
Rogue: *pats Arvedui's knee*
Arvedui: *stops her hand and puts it on the table* You are, I must admit, a bit strange.
Rogue: I blame your genes
Arvedui: I blame Aragorn's. The line became hideously inbred after my demise >.<
Rogue: or the orcs. I blame orcs.
Arvedui: *nods* That would work too.
Rogue: because weepiness is really hard to maintain. *grabs some more paper and flops down on the floor to draw*
Arvedui: True. *takes his book back and reads*
Rogue: *rests her foot on Arvedui's knee* *doodles*
Arvedui: *frowns at the foot* Could you please put that down?
Rogue: why?
Arvedui: Because it is distracting me, and it is also uncomfortable.
Rogue: *sighs and moves a bit to keep her legs away*
Arvedui: *goes back to reading*
Rogue: *draws oliphaunts*
Arvedui: *is too engrossed in the book to notice*
Rogue: *gives them houses on their backs*
Arvedui: *see previous ** thingy*
Rogue: *adds thatch roofs and and posies*
Arvedui: *looks up from the book to see if she's still there then goes back to it*
Rogue: *drops her head into her arms and falls asleep*
Arvedui: *looks up again, smiles and goes to fetch the felled curtain and cover her up* *whisper* Sweet dreams...
*goes back to his chair and his book*
I let him off easy.