(no subject)

May 09, 2003 03:10

I found a Hanild. We had a chat. Hopefully I got it across to her that she isn't the blonde on my hitlist.

...she seems nice. Obviously I need to find a better bribe to get rid of her.

I'm still finding mud under my nails. Next time Theo tries to kill me, going to make sure he does it somewhere *clean*.

Rogue: *bites*
Hanild: *smacks* Biting is very unladylike.
Rogue: Who said Iwas a lady?
Hanild: Maybe you should try.
Rogue: Why?
Hanild: People might actually like you then.
Rogue: Who said people didn't like me?
Hanild: *shrugs* Just a general observation.
Rogue: I don't really want to be friends with you and Firiel. So I'm not gonna try. I get along fine with everyone else
Hanild: If that's what you want to think...
Rogue: Psychological warfare is wasted on the uncaring
Hanild: Who said this was psychological warfare?
Rogue: I don't think it's helpful and concerned advice
Hanild: Fine. You don't have to listen.
Rogue: *picks some lint off her shirt* Did you have anything important to say?
Hanild: I usually don't. And when I do, no one listens.
Rogue: I don't have anything against you, you know.
Hanild: I'll keep tha tin mind the next time you send my cousin off to kill someone I care about.
Rogue: *shrugs* Theo started it
Rogue: *muttering* and I didn't think he'd actually HURT him
Hanild: What did Theo start? And wouldn't you thinkt hat? Didn't he say he was going to?
Rogue: I thought he was like Theo. All yelling but never actually *doing* anything. And I don't want to talk about how he started it
Hanild: Well, now you know he's not. Frey means what he says and acts before he thinks. SOmetimes it helps to talk about things. Right, like *i'm* one to say that...
Rogue: *shrugs*
Hanild: Nevermind. If you don't want to talk about it, I understand.
Rogue: he's been trying to get it out of me too, in between holding me underwater in brief murder attempts o_o
Hanild: *frowns* He shouldn't be doing that...is that why you were all covered in mud yesterday from the river?
Rogue: Yup. I gave him the black eye
Hanild: I suppose you can't be blamed for that, if he was trying to drown you.
Rogue: I need to get him back. hmm...
Hanild: For what? Is that all you two do? Fight with each other?
Rogue: No, sometimes we go off into the middle of nowhere and nearly get killed. I think on abscence of arguing over killing food or being chased by woses we turn on eachother
Hanild: Oh. That doesn't sound like it's much fun.
Rogue: I enjoy it. *shrugs* However, woodchuck stew tastes terrible. Never have it
Hanild: I'll remember that. You don't like staying in one place? Being home?
Rogue: I ran away from home.
Hanild: Isn't Gondor your home?
Rogue: It is. I'm only back here cause Theo asked.
Hanild: You're only staying because of him?
Rogue: pretty much.
Hanild: You don't seem to want to be here. What if he decides to stay for a long time?
Rogue: Then I stay. *shrugs* It isn't that bad now that I'm not in those damn nannies care anymore.
Hanild: Nannies? I had some of those... Why do you have to stay if he does?
Rogue: Ah. I really really didn't like the ones we had. "I want to ask my mom why I have no name" "*smack*" "I'M GOING TO TELL HER YOU DID THAT" "*smacksmacksmack*" "...*stops talking* o_o" and... it's a...I've been putting up with him twenty-four seven for months, I'm not just going because we're in a place that has bad memories.
Hanild: Mine were nice, I suppose. They kept me out of trouble, for the most part, though I'm not sure my father was thrilled they taught me how to read. I have some bad memories of my home too. Doesn't keep me away though. He won't take you somewhere you'd enjoy better?
Rogue: He wants to stay because of you. *rolls eyes* I thought we were just making a quick stop so he could traumatize Eomer
Hanild: ....me?
Rogue: yeah. A couple nights after we got here I asked him when we were going and he said he wanted to stay for a bit because of some girl. And then I got him to tell me.That's when I kicked him out the window
Hanild: Oh. *considers* Well, I don't live here. I"m leaving in a few weeks. Maybe he'll take you somewhere else then.
Rogue: *perks up* Where?
Hanild: Me? I'm going home.
Rogue: Rohan isn't so bad. Horses are kinda fresh and the dinosaurs bite, though...
Hanild: *nods* It's beautiful. So, when I go, if you're even still here then, ask Theo to take you somewhere you want to go.
Rogue: and if he follows you? I will miss the indoor plumbing o_o
Hanild: Follows me? Why would he do that?
Rogue: Nevermind. I'm going to put my vote down for Ethring
Hanild: I've never been there. *awkward silence* You aren't really....nevermind.
Rogue: aren't really what?
Hanild: I was going to ask if you were really pregnant. But then I thought it might be something you didn't want to talk about so I changed my mind.
Rogue: smart
Hanild: Which probably means you are. You know, I'm in pretty much the same situation...
Rogue: mm. So I've heard
Hanild: Oh? What have you heard?
Rogue: That you're pregnant. *gives Hanild a blank look*
Hanild: ....that's it?
Rogue: What else would I be hearing?
Hanild: Nothing *I* want to talk about.
Rogue: mm
Hanild: But if you ask around, I'm sure some of the servents who were here at the time would be more than happy to tell you. I'm actually curious as to what their version of events is.
Rogue: I'm not much of a gossip. And I don't talk to servants much
Hanild: Me neither. Not anymore.
Rogue: *raises eybrows* My excuse is snotty royalty. Yours?
Hanild: I had a...bad experience with one.
Rogue: I hate it when they turn down the sheets wrong
Hanild: *gives her a look* It was a little more than that. But anyway, no more trusting people I don't know.
Rogue: mm. How long until I get Theoden back?
Hanild: *blinks* What?
Rogue: Theoden. The blonde guy. When do I get him back?
Hanild: What do you mean "get him back"?
Rogue: It's a pattern. He finds someone shiny for a bit and then I get him back after a while.
Rogue: They lose interest and go away *waves hand* So it's just waiting. I just want to know how long until you do
Hanild: How long before I lose interest? Um, I don't think I can answer that. I've never been interested in anyone before...
Rogue: No interest? So it's just him? Thank Eru
Hanild: Oh, I *like* him, I just can't say how long it will last.
Rogue: can I interest you in a bribe?
Hanild: You want to bribe me into not liking Theo?
Rogue: yes?
Hanild: I don't think it works that way.
Rogue: In a good and just world it would
Hanild: Bribing someone into not liking you...*ponders*...perhaps it would, yes.
Rogue: ta-da. I'm a genius. Or at least a visionary
Hanild: ACtually, it's something I've considered before. I just doubt it would work. *curiously* What would you have offered me, anyway?
Rogue: I have a necklace from dunland and a swan feather
Hanild: That would really, REALLY, not have worked.
Rogue: they're all I have. And the necklace is really nice. Theo picked it up for me when we were busy trying not to get shot
Hanild: You've been in Dunland?
Rogue: A couple times. Timulty tried to buy a village and re-sell it to Mordor and that's why we got shot at
Hanild: They shot at you? Doesn't surprise me...
Rogue: Timulty is the basis for many many of my scars and trauma. I miss it when she was a innocent baby that spent most of her time trying not to get eaten
Hanild: Who is Timulty?
Rogue: Theoden's adopted daughter. She was a hobbit, then she got *aged* by something and turned human and turned really evil, got aged again and when last seen had become a maia. She used to try and kill Theoden's sons
Rogue: She was good and cute once.
Hanild: Theoden has children? I can't remember if I knew that or not...
Rogue: Yeah. Theodred, Ozymandias and Timulty. and Eowyn and Eomer, sort of. He says he accidentally adopted Eomer a bit ago though o_o
Hanild: I see. He must be good with children then...
Rogue: He has a bad habit of keeping us around.
Hanild: *raises an eyebrow* You're not a child. You simply act like one. And I remmeber now he and I discussed being single parents, once when we first met.
Rogue: I was when me and him met.
Rogue: And I don't *act* like one...
Hanild: Well, you aren't anymore, and yes, you do.
Rogue: bah
Rogue: *glares*
Hanild: *sighs* You make me feel much older than I am...
Rogue: *shrugs* It isn't like me or my sisters were expected to behave like anything but brats. all things considered, I'm an angel. sides. the whole Theoden beating or drowning me if I get too far out of line thing. o_o one day I'll outrun him
Hanild: I get the feeling everyone expects me to behave like one too. I hope I don't... You have sisters?
Rogue: yeah. lots of them. Waldo, Mini-bar, Celebel...one other...and a brother named Eldarion
Hanild: You don't get along with them?
Rogue: I get along with Eldarion and Celebel. I don't honestly remember speaking to the other three. I'm still trying to figure out which is which of them, anyway. We didn't have names before
Hanild: You didn't have names?
Rogue: You think my parents really named me Rogue? And Mini-bar and Waldo?
Hanild: *shrugs* I don't know many Gondorians.
Rogue: We tend to have pretentious elfy names.
Hanild: Oh. So what made you choose Rogue?
Rogue: I like comics. *shrugs* Stuff and stuff and they started calling me it in Mandos... and when I was trying to choose a nice fancy one when I got out but never really managed to pick one. So Rogue I stayed
Hanild: It's nice. I don't know if my mother or father gave me my name. I know my mother gave me my nickname, but only Frey calls me by that now.
Rogue: At least the history books don't classify you as 'the many unnamed daughters of Arwen and Aragorn'
Hanild: In the books I'm actually just Helm's daughter.
Rogue: Implying you probably had a name, but given you had breasts they felt you were too advantaged as it is
Hanild: Possibly. I didn't really play much of an active role anyway, well, sort of, but not really.
Rogue: Tolkien's around here somewhere. Go beat him with a stick
Hanild: I'm actually ok with it. I'll be even more ok if they leave my name out of it this time around too.
Rogue: Do I annoy you?
Hanild: You're...different. I don't think I've spent enough time around you to know if you annoy me. That stunt you pulled the other night didn't endear you to me, mind you. I also get the feeling you see me as some sort of competition, which I'm not.
Rogue: Don't actually want to be on your bad side. *sighs*
Hanild: Not that I have a bad side, but why?
Rogue: Because I said earlier there's only one person I'm actually annoyed at and I know that whatever I do, he'll forget about it ten minutes later
Hanild: Theo?
Rogue: That's the one
Hanild: And you don't want to talk about why you're so annoyed at him, right?
Rogue: Not really. You already said I sound like a kid
Hanild: I said you *acted* like a child. Children do things to the people that annoy them to get their attention. Adults try to talk through their problems. If you'd like to do that, I'm more than willing to listen.
Rogue: ah. well. I sort of *expect* Theoden's attention. I've always got it. If Timulty was doing something weird or we were lost or just bored he'd be asking my opinion on things and it was usually me who was the one acting like the adult and now he's treating me like a kid again, like when we first met and I was scared and shy but I'm not now and argh
Rogue: there yo ugo
Hanild: I don't suppose you've mentioned this to him?
Rogue: I've tried. I think he's pretending to be that stupid. Unless what they say about blondes is true
Hanild: For some. For others it's often more beneficial to play stupid.
Rogue: he does it a lot *rolls eyes*
Hanild: Maybe he does it to get you to say what you mean instead of having people try to guss and say it for you.
Rogue: It's embarassing having to say what I mean for anything.
Hanild: It causes less confusion.
Hanild: Trust me. I'm an expert on being confused.
Rogue: I feel it should be required he read my mind
Hanild: Why?
Rogue: Saves me trouble. *nods*
Hanild: Yes, I can see how it would, but that's not very fair to him.
Rogue: I know. It's another one of those 'in a fair and just world' things
Hanild: There seem to be a lot of those. But he's your friend. Why woldn't you want to be fair to him?
Rogue: I meant in a fair and just world he'd be able to read my mind. o_o
Hanild: Ah. Well, this is another of those "acting like an adult" things. Saying what you mean.
Rogue: damn adults. I'm just going to catch me a de-aging virus
Hanild: Or you could try to grow up like everyone else does.
Rogue: *waves hand* My body's only what, fifteen? Can't I let myself act that age for a bit?
Hanild: You could. Then you'd have to stop complaining about adults not doing what you want and treting you like a child.
Rogue: It's a conundrum. On one hand I want him to say: "Oh Rogue, what have I been doing all this time!" and sweep me away. On the other hand that mental image bothers me on several images. Plus the fact he'd probably drop me by accident and that would hurt. o_o my fantasies need better dialogue. ON THE OTHER HAND IF BEING AN ADULT MEANS EVERYONE GETTING ANNOYED AT YOU FOR ONE ACT OF TEMPER IT CAN BE STUFFED
Rogue: Do you age in Mandos? at all? mentally or physically? you were there longer then I was...
Hanild: I feel the same as I did before. I don't think I act any older than I'm supposed to.
Rogue: oh *dear*
Hanild: And I was there a few hundred years at least. Why?
Rogue: I've been counting my age along with time spent in Mandos
Hanild: Oh. I think it goes from when you were born to when you die. And then starts again when you come back. *shrugs* That's what I did. Otherwise I have no idea how old I'd be. 21 suits me just fine.
Rogue: bah I say. I'm all confused now
Hanild: Sorry. I tend to confuse others just as much as I'm confused by them.
Rogue: A pox on you
Hanild: I have enough bad luck, thank you.
Rogue: You sure I can't bribe you off with the necklace? It's good a good luck symbol on it
Hanild: The one from Dunland? Absolutely not. I have rather bad associations with Dunland and it's people.
Rogue: Is this a Rohirric thing? Theo mentioned something about that before getting distracted by shiny stuff.
Hanild: *nods* We're ancient enemies. They also conquered Edoras the first time I was here and killed me and my family. Among other things.
Rogue: The current ones seem nice. Theo said they invaded Rohan during the ring war but I wasn't around for that *waves hand* And I met one about my age that I'm sure was very nice if I could have understood dunlendish. Hand signs are highly underrated
Hanild: I don't know any from now. ONly from before, and they're certainly not nice. TO my family, anyway.
Rogue: Travel. See the world. Meet interesting boys who do odd things with their hands
Hanild: Gondor is travelling.
Hanild: I actually prefer Rohan, but I left here rather abruptly last time and I wanted to see my friends again. I imagine I'll be staying in Rohan when I go back.
Rogue: Gondor is where *everyone* goes... Far Harad, Ethring, Dunland, Mordor! Wait, strike Mordor. There's only pizza there
Hanild: *shrugs* I came here on business, not to travel.
Rogue: Which is why you *should* travel
Hanild: Doesn't matter wanyway. I'll have a baby soon and then I won't be able to travel for a while. I want to raise it at home anyway.
Rogue: Well, travel at some point. It really is good for you
Hanild: I'll think about it. I don't plan much in the future. You never know what's going to happen.
Rogue: Doesn't hurt to have goals, though
Hanild: I have goals. Raise a happy child. Maybe get married. Be queen.
Rogue: they're so... generic.
Hanild: They work for me.
Rogue: *sigh*
Hanild: I've been through enough trouble. I just want a quiet, happy future.
Rogue: How's traveling not happy?
Hanild: Travelling's not quiet.
Rogue: But it's fun. I mean, walking around, open air, a easily abused companion, and barring random orc attacks it's great
Hanild: Theo travels a lot, doesn't he?
Rogue: Yeah. He's got this thing against roofs and running water.
Hanild: I'm sure he'll want to do some more soon, and then you'll have him "back" as you put it.
Rogue: good.
Hanild: I don't think he realizes what liking me involves yet. He'll lose interest when he does.
Rogue: What does it involve?
Hanild: The father of my child. Theo said he'd help me, but it's...complicated.
Hanild: ERU NO!
Hanild: *sternly* That's not even funny to joke about.
Rogue: Who's joking?
Hanild: I'm hoping you are.
Rogue: I'm very wrong, aren't I
Hanild: Very.
Rogue: ah. who's the real father and how are things complicated
Hanild: Did we talk about something you initially said you didn't want to?
Rogue: right, right. dropping it. I don't want to find out something about you got Theoden's head cut off or something. He has bad luck in Mandos. *glares* they tied him up and tried to give him to gollum last time
Hanild: Actually, I meant that if we did, it would only be fair to talk about something I said I didn't. And yes, he mentioned something about that,
Rogue: Oh. I was taking it as a subtle hint. o_o Ehehe. Make him talk about it. He gets all twitchy and freaks out if cages are mentioned
Hanild: Well, given the context he mentioned it in, I don't think I will.
Rogue: But it's fun.
Rogue: His son married the guy who did it to him too
Hanild: It's fun to tease people about traumatizing events in their life? We won't be talking about what I didn't want to then.
Rogue: With him it is. I don't think he's that traumatized. His tiny brain is hard to really affect.
Hanild: Twitching and freaking out genereally signals trauma.
Rogue: pstch
Hanild: *sighs*
Rogue: he's naturally twitchy! Horses, most of his kids, his parents, especially his parents, Denethor... he has many twitch triggers. It's *fun*. Really. Don't give me that look
Hanild: You say you like him, but you don't stop to think things like that might hurt him?
Rogue: I know what would actually hurt him. I don't touch that stuff.
Hanild: That's good to know, at least.
Rogue: his wife is one of those. So's one of his deaths. But nearrape by Gollum is one of those things that has to be brought up constantly. But in my defense, Nienor's written songs about it. And he still gets along well with her. *Very* well. bleah. o_o I've lost to a girl who humps ents! argh
Hanild: *frowns* We'll just have to disagree on that one then.
Rogue: Alrighty
Hanild: *considers Rogue* You know, you remind me of Frey. Only very slightly, but you do.
Rogue: it wasn't an *actual* rape. If it had I wouldn't be bothering him so much about it. He never brings up what happened with me and the orcs.
Rogue: I do? How?
Hanild: Oh, Things you say... You and orcs?
Rogue: I got tortured to death. Running away from home isn't always a good idea
Hanild: Yes, you mentioned that before.
Rogue: *nods* He doesn't like to talk about it. I'm mostly okay with it.
Hanild: I'm sorry, I forgot. Didn't mean to bring up anything painful for you.
Rogue: *shrugs* Like I said, I'm okay with it. Of course I haven't seen a single orc since I got back. Or put in any actual situations that would remind me
Rogue: Really. *big wide semi-fake grin*
Hanild: Reminders aren't any fun. *sighs* Some, strangely enough, you can get used to wihtout it hurting too much.
Rogue: hmm. still no urge to come face to face with an orc. What's yours?
Hanild: Baby.
Rogue: They don't really chew their way out, you know. that's just a lie
Hanild: I'm well aware of that.
Rogue: good. just making sure.
Hanild: I'm one of those Rohirrim who act stupid sometimes, but really isn't.
Rogue: You are an especially tricky people
Hanild: We try.
Rogue: Is Frealaf just like he acts?
Hanild: *smiles slightly* Frey is just like he seems.
Rogue: now I don't know how to take the comparison o_o
Rogue: I'm the good one of my family, you know. My sisters go around getting knocked up and my brother sits in clocktowers and shoots people.
Hanild: Really? I'm the troublemaker, though I don't do it on purpose.
Rogue: Yeah. I never spoke and then I went and got myself killed before I really hit the problem stage of my life. And I'm very polite when talking to my family, even my dad because he gives me stuff to stop trying to convince him he's my father
Hanild: I was 16 when it started, but again, it wasn't my fault. You have to convince your father he is your father?
Rogue: Dad denies all of us. He's only ever been successful in Eldarion's case.
Hanild: Why would he do that?
Rogue: Wasn't your fault?
Rogue: My dad's an asshole.
Hanild: No. Not my fault I was the King's daughter and someone thought it would be a good idea to ask my father if his son could marry me. *shakes her head* Not my fault at all.
Rogue: And that makes you a troublemaker?
Hanild: Daddy killed the man. His son declared war. I call that trouble.
Rogue: Wouldn't the killer and the war-declarer be the troublemakers?
Hanild: Well, yes, but it was because of me.
Rogue: You being such a femme fatale. If you dad kills Theo I'm gonna be annoyed
Hanild: So will I.
Hanild: I'm fairly certain I can keep him alive. If I'm there.
Rogue: oh good
Hanild: Unharmed, I can't promise.
Rogue: He's made of rubber. I'm not that worried
Hanild: He's mentioned that too.
Rogue: He's where I got the term. Is what he said after that Haradrim got him with the rock
Rogue: He was very insistent. Then he fell over
Hanild: My father would only be angry at first. Of course, I don't know when he'd meet Theo, or why.
Rogue: Probably meet him whenever you asked Theoden to come to Rohan to meet him.
Hanild: He'd be welcome to visit anytime. He's likely meet my father if he ever decided to.
Rogue: mmm.
Hanild: You'd be welcome too, of course.
Rogue: very generous.
Hanild: I don't know many people in Rohan now. I'd be happy for any visitors, especially friends.
Rogue: I hear the horses are friendly
Hanild: Mostly to the men.
Rogue: I'm sure they'd happy to just be friends
Hanild: Mine doesn't like me much. Then again, I'm a terrible rider.
Rogue: Never rode one. Haven't seen Theo touch one ever
Hanild: You walk everywhere?
Rogue: Yeah.
Hanild: Wouldn't a horse be faster, and a lot less exhausting?
Rogue: If I could ride them... and I'm not sure how to explain how we actually travel. It's something Theo does. He says he just gets lost, but it's how we found normal earth and... usually we're completely lost until we actually want to go somewhere and then it seems to be right nearby, even if I could have sworn it was in the opposite direction
Rogue: Theo mutters something about reality and books if I ask then shuts up. o_o He said my brain would melt if I asked again
Rogue: Your friend asked too. Firiel
Hanild: I see. Well, no I don't, but it seemed like the thing to say.
Hanild: You don't like her much, do you?
Rogue: I don't get it either. but it works.
Rogue: I don't know. I liked her when I met her, then she 'babysat' me.
Hanild: That was a favour for Theo, as I understand it.
Rogue: You'll note I immediately sicced someone on him
Hanild: Yes. Haven't forgotten that.
Hanild: Would you have left us alone if he'd just asked?
Rogue: He earned it. He stole my yogurt and threw me at her
Rogue: ...maybe. if he hadn't put me in someone else's care and if he'd let me come along as a chaperone. I had a big stick ready and everything
Hanild: I have my own chaperones. Well, not plural anymore, but still.
Rogue: I'm better then them. Cause I'm chaperoning Theoden, not you
Hanild: So did mine.
Rogue: I'm protecting *his* virtue
Hanild: FRom what? Me? It's quite safe.
Rogue: I'm onto you blondes. Animals, all of you
Hanild: I'm a firm believer in keeping virtue intact until marriage.
Rogue: o_o my gondorian sensibilities are offended.
Hanild: Sory. That's what my father ingrained into my head. I suspect it's also why he's not keen on me getting married. Ever.
Rogue: My parents are the biggest sluts in arda. o_o No comparison
Rogue: I'm pure and virginal in comparison. *waves hand* just two people.
Rogue: AND none of them related. *proud look*
Hanild: My father tells me mine doesn't count.
Rogue: oh?
Hanild: *nods* He's a bit in denial about it.
Rogue: your dad confuses me
Hanild: Why?
Rogue: He threatens people who go near you, he wants you to be all virginal, and he apparently remembers your name

We talked about more after this, but it's long enough, isn't it? Night. I need to go kick Theo onto his side of the bed if he's stolen my pillow again.
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