Theo: why is my name on a list and what's going on? O_O I’m gonna die
Hani: There's going to be a war and Erkenbrand said I could spare some people, but less than a dozen, so I made a list
Theo: oh. okay. glad to be spared. o_o *wanders off*
Rogue: my name is crossed off ;_; I’m betraying all of you now
Hani: You're a survivor, you'll be fine.
Rogue: *clings to Theo like a burr*
Hani: Though I suppose since Hama's volunteered his spot, and Karl can transport himself back home, I technically have TWO spots open
Rogue: Ahaha. you're going to choose one of the palace cats instead of me
Rogue: How come no one's saving the servants?
Hani: I'm saving my friends, because I'm the princess of the invading country and Erkenbrand likes me...I can't save everyone though I would have if he hadn't put a limit on it
Rogue: *nods* I need a sword. And my best yelling at smelly men voice.
Hani: Daddy better be happy, both Frey and I have both said we'll choose Rohan if we have to....ok, Frey chose cause he wanted to, but still.
Rogue: Normally I'd choose rohan too. But it has become the principle of the thing. And because dad isn't in charge
Hani: Eomer and Halbarad seem to be running things so far.
Rogue: And they don't make me twitch. bonus
Rogue: *rummages for something sharp*
Hani: ...not sure I like the idea of you with something sharp.
Rogue: I'm gonna be defending the old homeland. Usual stuff. HEY. Aren't you an enemy of the state?
Hani: Well, I would make a good political prisoner
Rogue: Cool. Can I hold you hostage? I'll provide snacks
Hani: I don't think it'll come to that
Rogue: just in case. *keeps rummaging* as is, I think Theo's gonna tackle me before I get out the door
Hani: Probably
Rogue: *holds up a big sword* How's this?
Hani: Very intimidating.
Rogue: Cool. *swings it around a bit*
Hani: *backs up*
Rogue: EHeheheHEHeheeh.
Hani: Not sure you'd be able to hold your own against a soldier of the Mark, but better than I could do.
Rogue: You underestimate the fear I can strike into the hearts of men. Plus, I have mace
Hani: Yes, I do. I know Frey certainly wasn't scared of you.
Rogue: I was trying to get him to kill Theo, not order him around and try to make him presentable. I'll start spouting hair tips at the first Rohirrim I see. they'll weep
Hani: Or knock you senseless to shut you up.
Rogue: Your lack of faith dismays me.
Hani: I doubt that.
Rogue: Well, no. Nothing you do really affects me. *drops sword and hefts up an axe*
Hani: That, I don't doubt.
Rogue: How much does Erkenbrand like you, again? *tries to swing axe without unbalancing herself*
Hani: Pretty well.
Rogue: Well then
Hani: Well what?
Rogue: nothin'. *takes out a bust by accident* crap
Hani: *eyes Rogue*
Rogue: *drops axe and rummages again*
Hani: You don't really think they'd let you fight?
Rogue: What do you mean?
Hani: Eomer and Halbarad. They wouldn't let you fight, if there is one, so why bother going through weapons?
Rogue: Who says I'll listen to them if they tell me to not fight?
Hani: I thought you'd be smarter than that.
Rogue: What do you mean?
Hani: *exasperated sigh* You'd be killed. If you don't fight, you'll probably live.
Rogue: I'm already dead. *picks up a dagger and tests it*
Hani: You're not dead. *pokes her* See? Alive.
Rogue: You do know how long Theo held me underwater, right? *feints a stab at Hani*
Hani: *annoyed* Stop that. No, I don't.
Rogue: more then ten minutes. I'll be fiiiiine as long as they leave me in one piece. *looks for something to hold the dagger* I think I disappear back to Mandos then. That's what happened to Theo when they snapped his neck. *holds up a bow as tall as her* o_o
Hani: Dying in battle generally means not in one piece, or in one rather tattered piece...not that I remember or anything.
Rogue: Which is why I must get in the first blows. *nods* I'll need a stepping stool
Hani: I don't think a stool will help you reach them on their horses.
Rogue: horses? They have horses? Give me a basket of snakes
Hani: They're *ROHIRRIM*. Of course they have horses. *shakes head*
Rogue: Last time you bastards attacked the horses defected
Hani: *raises an eyebrow* I don't think that's the case this time. We've attacked before?
Rogue: Yup
Hani: Why?
Rogue: You annexed Gondor, renamed us Eogond and the conclusion was never stated because... act of mun God.
Hani: So there will be a battle this time, unless a peaceful solution can be reached.
Rogue: yes. And you all can't stay on horses for the whole thing. There's alcoves in the stairs. I'll set traps and wait
Hani: I think by the time they get inside, it'll be all over.
Rogue: Doesn't mean I can't have some fun. You're talking to me like I use Earth logic
Hani: Nothing wrong with logic.
Rogue: Nope. That's why I use my own personal brand
Hani: What's the difference? Logic is all the same.
Rogue: Mine is more lateral
Hani: Lateral?
Rogue: IE you think I'm crazy
Hani: No. Just reckless.
Rogue: That works too.