1. Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley: It’s probably the only book to date that I’ve read multiple times. Yes, it’s supposed to be a horror book (my favorite genre) but it has a deeper meaning that I won’t bore you with
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1. Pasta. I don’t cook much, but when I do, it’s usually pasta. I usually eat it with marinara sauce, but love alfredo too. I like pasta with sauteed veggies too. Mmmmm
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I am so freaking glad I am moving out of this place. These two roommates of mine DRIVE ME CRAZY.... Not that Steve and Kevin won't, but I need to get out of here
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1. Yellow Springs, Ohio: I didn’t grow up there, but I call it home. If I did ever entertain the idea of moving back to Ohio, it would only be to live in YS
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