Wee! Snape is told a fairy tale.

Apr 24, 2009 13:59

Author: anonymous
Title: Grownup Stories
WIP or Completed? completed
Ships: eileen prince/ toby snape, severus/ ?
Genres: family, romance, psychological
Rating: R
Summary: A mother tells her son what she wishes was a fairy tale.
Link: http://asylums.insanejournal.com/hp_beholder/24525.html?view=604621#t604621

Why Grownup Stories
From a very young Severus' POV, this is a very poignant look at Eileen Prince and his family. Eileen holds him in her arms and tells him a bedtime story........
The narrative is occasionally broken with asides from Snape's adult life when he remembers these moments. Ordinarily, I would find this contrived but I liked some of these and I suspect other readers here will like that part more than I did. LOL!

fic progress: one-shot, archive: insanejournal, character: tobias snape, ship: eileen prince/toby snape, character: snape, reccer: werewolfsfan, genre: psychological, ship: canon, ship: het, rating: r, character: eileen prince snape, ship: snape/mystery character, fic progress: complete, genre: family, genre: romance

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