I didn't take many pictures over the holidays, because I'm working on enjoying the moment instead of documenting it. Plus, my neph, J., took a bunch of family photos, so hopefully I'll have access to those. That said, there were a few things I thought I'd share.
I made stockings for five folks in the house who either did not yet have one, or were disenchanted with their current stocking status. I pretty much banged them all out on Christmas eve eve, and did the decorating of some on Christmas eve. It's never too late.
Most were sewn from thrifted wool sweaters, but this one was made from the salvageable portions of a thrifted holiday tablecloth.
I admit it, I glued on any decorations instead of sewing them. I'm an animal. With boundaries.
Here they are, in action. (I used a fast shutter speed.)
These were the most eagerly anticipated gifts of the day.
But the sparkly dress up stuff was well received, also.
Old fashioned "handwriting kits" were in the stockings.
Also well received? The tiny rat army.
After Christmas, I attended a reunion potluck of my Girl Scout troop. Only two of the "scouts" I knew showed up, but I was really happy to see all four of my leaders: The Russells (on the left) and the Schneiders (on the right). Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Schneider were the leaders of my Junior troop, so fifth and sixth grade; then Mr. Russell and Mr. Schneider were leaders of my Cadette/Senior troop; seventh grade through senior year. Besides my parents, they're probably the adults who had the most significant impact on my development as a person. It was great to see them all doing so well. They do it every year, but I'd never been because I always visit my parents at the same time. This time, I bumped Ohio a few days so I could make it. There isn't always a "next year."
Then in Ohio, here's my sister (Theresa) with what I consider to be my most spectacular thrifted gift find of the season: a dual plaster statue of Mary and Theresa. (Of course, her opinion of the gift may vary. :) )
The promised small dog shot. My devilishly red-eyed sister, Beetle and sister-in-law with Abby, my sister-in-law's pup.
Then, on the way back home, B. and stopped at a Perkins in Buffalo (Clarence, really) (or Tonawanda?) to see my aunt Carol
and my grandma/B.'s great grandma.
We hit no snow, had good drives both way, and I'm freshly grateful for my family.