“After Thirteen Heavens of Decreasing Choice, and Nine Hells of Increasing Doom, the Tree of Life shall blossom with a fruit never before known in the creation, and that fruit shall be the New Spirit of Men
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the only way to really know the world is to reconstruct it: That is in order to really understand what causes what, we must do more than simply observe
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okay so to say the least it was the world's birthday yesterday and i think everyone who was aware of it rode the airwaves like they knew how to hang glide. all in all yesterday was an excellent day. but like any other day it is just one day. so one great day, put in a line carefully placed within a million equally and potentially 'great' days.. i
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well guys a long time ago i decided that the world was amazing and i love life and i want to meet as many new people as i can. if you are new, come meet me. if you are old, let's hang out.
there is life on mars and every entity there plays the piano to the comets that wail through the galaxy. those comets then carry that tune and deliver it to the entire universe
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okay so this evening i went out for a walk and looked for answers where i figured they would best sought after. in between two trees that could possibly resemble a wooden hammock.staring at the bark i saw a shape i thought could resemble an antelope.so i helped make it into one. i heard birds chirping and thought about the song "blackbird" by the
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for the past two days i, Zolin Rutabaga(leader of Quail's) and my partner Zigor Vamoose(punisher of trees)and our pet sloth Niggles have set out on three decade expedition through the Great Northwest of the America's. we will be documenting our journey through this rugged terrain and there will be updates in the near future.