(no subject)

Jul 05, 2006 14:53

thinkyourpretty's Themes.

Weekly Theme

Food Anything that has to do with food :]

Word of The Month:
January - Winter/Snow
February - Romance
March - Music
April - Celebrities
May - Perfection
June - Disorders/Diseases
July -Shopping
August - Love
September - Books
November - Movies
December - Life

*for "word of the month" you can make text and/or picture post of things relating to the word.

January - Best Hair
February - Best Smile
March - Prettiest Eyes
April - Cutest Best Friend
May - Cutest Significant Other
June - Best Body
July - Cutest Sibling
August - Best Hand Writing
September - Most Likely To Be a Model
November - Most Likely To Become Famous
December - Overall Best Looking

Past Winners: here.

Scavenger Hunts
1. Sunset
2. Flipflops
3. Beach ball
4. beach Umbrella
5. Bucket & Shovel
6. Beach towel
7. filled cooler
8. favorite ice cream
9. suntan lotion
10. Sun

Live Scavenger hunt:
1. You in a bathing Suit
2. You wearing a pink shirt
3. You wearing a black shirt
4. You in black pants/shorts/skirt
5. Favorite shoes
6. drinking out of a can/bottle
7. Something cold
8. you dancing
9. Mirror shot
10. Salute to the community (must be this comm.)


First & Foremost:

What would you do with a million dollars:
If you had to live without a body part, which would it be and why :
Did you ever wear braces?:
How many cousins do you have:
What is your favorite time of day:
Do you like snowglobes? Why or why not?:
Least favorite song, who it's by and reason you hate it:
Do you play a sport? Which one?:
This or That:

Singing or Dancing:
Blue or Green:
Drums or Bass:
Tampa or Miami:
Cheese or Salsa:
Country or Pop:
Movies or Renting from Blockbuster:
Tortill chips or Doritos:
Thief or Arsonist:
Water or Soda:

all members vote for the member they prefer,
loser may either be booted from the community or winner may take all losers points.
No matter what the circumstances are, winner recieves 25 points from the community.

Elimination or Point Challenge:
Three Pictures of yourself:
Reason for Challenge:

Three Pictures of Them:

point system.