Name; Fyre (or Eric, if you prefer)
Age; 26
Birthday; August 11th
Location; Houston, TX
Relationship Status; Newly single... damn.
Band; Erasure
Movie; Dead Poets Society, or The Princess Bride
Disney Movie; Aladdin
TV Show; M*A*S*H or Frazier
Old School Nickelodeon Show; Double Dare, BABY!!
Book; "Lightning" by Dean Koontz
Song; Drama! by Erasure
CD; POP! The First 20 Hits (Erasure)
Food/Drink; Food: pizza, steak, anything tex-mex... Drink: Iced tea, water, Long Island Tea
Color; Purple (especially neon-metallic)
Quote/Lyric/Whatever; "A true friend stabs you in the front" --Oscar Wilde
Abortion; I am pro life, and while I would try to disuade people from having an abortion, it ultimately is not my choice to make.
Drugs; I used to use drugs... then drugs used me... now we've found a comfortable median where we sort of glower at each other from opposite corners. I think drugs wouldn't be a problem, were people to use them responsibly. Unfortunately, the very nature of drugs prohibits the responsible use of them.
Same-sex Relationships; For. Someone please take shrub ("Shrub - Little Bush") to a gay leather bar... please.
Religion; I've never been a huge fan of organized religion, but if it's what you need in order to feel closer to what you consider god, go for it. I'll take my silent spirituality, thanks.
Suicide; Sometimes you really don't believe there's another way. Sometimes you think you really ARE better off dead. Sometimes you're right. But eventually, things do get better. I ignore people who use suicide as an attention getting manuver, but I feel sorry for those who never said a word and one day kill themselves.
Mainstream/MTV/Etc.; Do your own thing. If that's what everyone else is doing at the time, fine... but do it because YOU want to... not because of everyone else. If I wind up just like the rest of the world, at least I'll know I wound up that way because that's how _I_ want to be,
Describe yourself in one sentence; "I am me."
What is your dream occupation?; nighttime DJ on an internet radio station, NPR affiliate, or some free-form play-what-you-want station.
Who do you admire most?; I really don't have any one person I admire "most." This tends to drift from person to person, depending on the thing, so there is no one person.
If you had the opportunity to have dinner with anybody, dead or alive, who would it be and why?; This is hard question to answer, but I'd have to say Albert Einstein. I mean, look at the man.. he never cared what people thought of him, he just did what he thought was best for him to do.
Failing that, Hitler. I'd like to pick his brain and find out why he thought/believed the way he did, what his whole deal was.. just really bore into his psyche.
Would you dance with me?; Absolutely.
Why do you want to be part of this community?; Why not? In all honesty, that's the answer which fits best. I'm an interesting, humerous person to have around... most of the time.
What makes you rad enough to be considered one of the raddest?; I do really awesomely crappy comics in MS Paint.
Picture Goes Here [optional. and absolutely NO nudity.];
Pappa Gucci stepping out...
My mug.