I love this game. playing it in single player mode. a fucking proper rpg game. at last
expect even less posting untill however long it takes for me to complete the game
goodbye life ^.^
p.s. this is the funniest fucking thing i've ever seen -
Comments 9
2.)Those celebrity look alikes are ALWAYS hilarious. 'cause they're always so very bad.
3.)God damnit, i've tried poking you about this on MSN but you never respond, so here:
Made a #creatures group on Livejournal ...and I demand you join. =P
Which is good as the first time I met him was a few days earlier, for my 21st birthday as he was the only person in the city I knew over 21 who could take me to bars, but he did a piss poor job of getting me wasted then. =P
After NIN he took me to a stripclub, which was kinda creepy and weird.
so this is the first i've heard about it but i will def join :)
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