Title: Third LIfe
Song / Artist: Pompeii by Aalacho
saeva Fandom: Criminal Minds
Download link:
http://community.livejournal.com/vidding/1349383.htmlSize: 9 MB
Overall impression: Honestly, this was a hard review to do mostly because I can't find lyrics to the song anywhere and the vocals are a bit difficult to understand. That said, it's an excellent episodic vid that I think would hold up even if one hasn't seen this specific episode of Criminal Minds.
Titles: Simple white on black with a nice font at the end of the vid.
Music choice: I like the song, and the dark electronica sound really fits the cutting of the vid, and is appropriate at the same time for the vibe of the show.
Narration, Tone and Movement: Given that it's an episodic vid, there's not a single POV shown, though the father's POV is the one seen most often. I feel like it's really an attempt at a vid precis of the episode and works very well like that while still having some unique perspectives. The tone of the video is dark and desperate - the daughter in peril, her father's search for her, and the helplessness of the BSU team to prevent further tragedy. The movement is the aspect of the vid that really stands out and separates it from the episode itself -- eveyrthing is sped up, resulting in a herky jerky quality reminiscent of shows shot with a hand held camera. Fro the first part of the vid it results in making the viewer feel as if they are there and are on the other end of the camera during a documentary shoot or something. Towards the middle/end with all the action it really pulls the viewer in and gives a sense that they are as helpless as the BSU witnesses to what happens.
Cuts, Transitions, Effects & Colouring/Coloring: Most of the cuts/transitions are direct cuts between one scene to another and this works well as anything more would feel overkill with the speed of the vid and other effects. At the start of the video, we get some coloring effects of black and whiteand flashes as scenes of the body appear. Other than that, the speed of the video is the major effect (though I could be missing something obvious in the speed).
Specific vid & music notes:
The vid really stands out and it's hard to spotlight any particular timepoint. However, just for comedy's sake, I do have to say that Reid running in fast speed at 0:45 is rather funny to watch.
Final notes: Excellent episodic vid that I'd be interested to know how it holds up for the non-CM fan or for someone who hasn't seen the particular episode - I'd hazard to guess it would still hold up well.