I seem to have developed a music-buying impulse fit thing, wherein I buy several albums, almost on a whim, because I'm sick of everything else I own. I blame pandora. Mostly.
First is MGMT, courtesy of Pandora. This video has disabled embedding, so, here's a link to
Time to Pretend. Totally wacky video, btw. Or you can watch this fanmade vid of the same song (footage from "Planet Earth" so not bad, actually).
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Kasabian I have to blame on Noel Fielding. Embedding for the video
Processed Beats has been disabled also, but here's the man to blame in a fun vid, Vlad the Impaler! (This isn't from the album I bought, though.)
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He is also to blame (am I always this frigging easily influenced? I don't think so!) for Mint Royale. (He and Julian both! As well as Nick Frost.)
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Finally, having nothing to do with any Booshfolk, entirely to blame on some random guy on Amazon.com, Does it Offend You, Yeah?
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Edit: Also! I've had this album for a while but have only recently been really listening, and I can actually, amazingly, credit our local radio station for these guys: Cage the Elephant.
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And in the category of dudes I've listened to for a few years, I uploaded the first Wolfmother album for a friend tonight. You can download it
here. (I went out to buy the new album, only to find that they released two versions, one with 4 extra songs for $5 more. Why not just release the one album with all the songs? So I was irked and didn't buy it. I will, though.) If you do not know Wolfmother and enjoy classic bluesy, hard, slightly psychedelic rock, even a little, you are in for a treat! I have to blame Wolfmother on an LJ friend who's no longer around, to my knowledge.