TITLE: Irreplaceable
FANDOM: Hidden Palms
PAIRING: Cliff/Eddie
SUMMARY: Cliff will have none of that.
RATING: R, for language and slashy undertones.
Greta’s such a cunt. Such a stupid, fucking cunt. Who does she think she is, waltzing around with this alkie from Seattle, so moody and thoughtful and blah-fucking-blah. He’s like a character in one of those shitty teen soap operas. Cliff wants to kick Johnny’s ass all the way back to Dawson’s Creek; the boy’s clearly out of his league here. On some level, he finds the both of them so utterly despicable that maybe they deserve each other. But Cliff cannot - will not - allow it. At first, it was that Greta didn’t deserve Eddie. No one did, not even Cliff himself. Now, though, she doesn't deserve anyone.
And it’s all so fucking complicated; it turns his stomach that people like that slut Nikki try to file it down, pass it off as some fucking love triangle. Or maybe it is, and it pisses him off that anyone would ever think Greta would be the point. Maybe it’s been a love triangle all along and if it is, then Eddie was the center of it all.
What really pisses Cliff off as he lays on his bed that night nurse his wounds, is that Greta thinks she can just replace him. But Eddie is goddamn irreplaceable; Cliff accepts no substitutes. He won’t let some punk ass, washed up tortured soul fly in from Seattle and live in Eddie’s house and sleep in Eddie’s room, and fuck Eddie’s girl, and be his new goddamn best friend. No.
In the end, what really bothers him is that he tried. He tried to replace Eddie and it didn’t work, and all that’s left at the end of the day is the paralyzing reminder of loss and the knowledge that he had a hand in it all.