I think I have drowned my chard. Although a kindly webpage is helpfully informing me it's "very hardy", which surely is plantspeak for "even you can't kill this." I hope so, anyway, because I confess that the Droop of Dehydration and the Stoop of Saturation look the same to me.
Um, hello, Dalek Spice Girls. For me what I love about the Daleks is they do look unthreatening; there is something truly terrifying about something that looks so antiquated and ill-equipped turning out to be so deadly. But I confess I am seeing giant plush versions of these parading down the aisle in ToysЯUs. They're not saying to me menacing so much as merchandising.
That Amy, she's smart as a whip, isn't she? Bright as a button. Sharp as a - I want to say whip again, but that can't be right.
My favourite part of the episode was the Doctor finally getting his cup of tea. He wore it well, and really, hot drinks are as good a plot resolution as any.
I shall wait until the second part to draw my conclusions about the latest episode, although hee! River + Pond. And this:
"River, hug Amy."
"Because I'm busy."
That, and space teeth. I have the cushion on hand to hide behind, but mostly I am just squishing it in glee.
(I adore
this tiny vidlet that I stumbled across on YouTube.)
When I snaffled this icon of
_jems_' once upon a time I never thought I would have an opportunity to use it, but it sums up my reaction to last Friday's
Ashes to Ashes. Keats is fast becoming one of my favourite TV villains. He manages to be absorbing without ever compromising on loathsome, and his efforts to inveigle the others have a strangely potent ineptness.
Actually, I lie a little. My reaction to last week's episode was mostly, GENE ♥ SAM ::dies happy::
That, and the lingering look between Gene and Alex in the following scene (after all those drunken moments they've shared, I kind of adored that it was a reaction to "you're going to tell her anything to get her knickers off". And they say that romance is dead.) Also, Chris's definition of a successful working partnership: "Usually they just shout and chuck stuff at one another until one of them gives up."
I keep accidentally reading Most Excellent Speculation (go, genius flist!) but I am still mostly in denial. Although I am not the only one. One of the fundamental differences between Alex and Sam was that however attached she might become to her life in the eighties, Alex always had an overwhelming reason to get back to the present. But somehow Molly seems to have slipped almost out of her consciousness. "Outside this, for me? There's nothing." "You belong here. You look like you're visiting, but you're not, are you? You're staying."
We have now reached the picspam portion of this post.
Since getting married last year my sister has made her home in Durham, and we went up to visit as her husband's parent's were over from India. The Indian food, sadly, I can't share, but here is a bit of Durham for you:
It was my sister's husband's sister's baby's dedication at the weekend, and in a moment of overambition I decided to knit him something. I chose the simplest pattern I could lay my hands on, since I needed something TV-proof and interruptible. It turns out that "simple" means neither "quick" nor "impossible to screw up". I am always undone by the finishing. In spite of endless unpickings, my crochet edging insisted on gathering at the front, and then I accidentally imprinted the stray ends into it while pressing it. Still, at least he will grow out of it before he is old enough to care. :)
At the weekend we went walking in the New Forest and despite three weeks without rain I managed to step into what is probably the only patch of bog left in the whole country. The ratio of times in my life I have regretted wearing wellies to the times I have regretted not doing so should have taught me something by now:
Pond-skater. Reflection. Something for everyone. :)
I have to go and sleep, but love to you all. xxxx